Coraline Algea

fla. keys

Hello All,
Long time listener on this site, first time posting.
There are many very knowledgeable folks on this site like Mr. Salty, etc.
Here is my question. Probably a simple one for you pros.
I have a 75 gal fish/live rock/sand setup-6 months running.
I have only 5 fish-yellow tang, damsels, and a blue headed wrasse.
I have two bags of sand-sugary fine argonite, and one (20lbs) bag of live sand in the tank.
I also have about 20 lbs of live rock
What should I be doing to get the PURPLE CORALINE ALGEA to grow and coat my rocks and tank. I add the Kent's liquified calcium, some stontium, molybedum, and rarely some iodine. From all your photos of varius tanks on the sit EVERYONE has purple thriving except me. HELP!!!!!!!.
Lastly I have as my lighting, 1 set of custom sea life PC the 2x65 watt bulbs(48inches) a double light strip with 2 40 watt 50/50 bulbs, and 1 40 watt bulb for a total of 250 watts.
ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR PURPLE GROWTH WILL BE APPRECIATED. I do get some brown algea growth (a little bit(
Thank You all.


Staff member
Well, for one, your lighting is kinda low. For instance, our tanks are about the same size, yet my lighting is 440 VHO.
Also, are you testing your calcium? You mentioned that you add calcium, but you didn't mention what your calcium in your tank is? You should shoot for 400 range at least.
Also, you may want to check the calcium that is in your salt. On a fresh batch of mixed salt, test the cal to see what you get. You shouldn't be using salt that depletes your cal level every time you do a water change.


Active Member
Keep your alkalinity between 6-9 dKH and as Beth said - calcium level greater than 450 mg/l will help greatly.
Phosphates should be as low as you can get them as well.
Your lighting will produce fine coralline growth providing you keep your water chemistry in check.
Without calcium supplements though, your coralline will grow poorly.
Does your existing LR have good color ?
Purples, reds ???

fla. keys

Thanks for responding.
Currently my rock has what appears to be a brownish/slightly greenish tint to it. No purple at all. It does have what looks like fuzz on it although not a lot.
Sorry to sound so non-technical with the lingo.
I am adding the liquid calcium daily. Really I am just guessing on how much to add and when to use strontium and iodine?
What kit can I get to measure how much calcium I have in the tank?
I know one needs to be patient in this hobby but 6 months and no growth is depressing.
Is there a chance that this rock will never grow purple?
Thank you so much for helping.


Active Member
On the dark side;
You really shouldn't add calcium, strontium and iodine or any trace additive by just guessing.
How would you know if you are adding enough, too little or if you are even close to the proper levels.
If you are just now considering buying a kit to test for calcium after 6 months into the hobby, you really shouldn't expect to see much coralline algae growth either.
On the bright side;
It's not too late to start.
Salifert makes a nice test for calcium.
Seachem makes decent reef additives for increasing calcium and alkalinity.
Dripping Kalwasser is excellent for maintaining calcium and stabalizing pH, as well as reducing phosphates.
Get your test kit lined up, start using them regularly while making small slow changes to your water, and you may see some coralline algae in as little as 1-2 months.


Does your LR have any PURPLE CORALINE ALGEA already growing on it?
If it doesn't you need to buy some that has it already growing on it. It unfortunately doesn't just appear like the other types of algae at least it never did for me.