Coraline and Copepods: How do I grow them?

Ok I have a 24" Single Flourescent Light and have about 25#s of live rock, I was wondering would my corraline be stable with this light or would they die off or would they grow but slowly. Also I was wondering I found 1 copepod in a 1 month old tank just wondering will they produce asexually or do they need a partner. One more thing, what is the best lighting I can get so my coraline can grow and my other life forms can flourish.
Thank You


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Ok I have a 24" Single Flourescent Light and have about 25#s of live rock, I was wondering would my corraline be stable with this light or would they die off or would they grow but slowly. Also I was wondering I found 1 copepod in a 1 month old tank just wondering will they produce asexually or do they need a partner. One more thing, what is the best lighting I can get so my coraline can grow and my other life forms can flourish.
Thank You

To start your coraline will grow as long as you have your water stable with ph and cal in range. Slow with that light though.
If you have one pod chances are you have more . Try checking at night with a flashlight.
Not sure on lights. Hopefully somebody else will chime in.