coraline question....



proper calcium and wait, some people use "purple up" but I personally do not like adding products like that to my tank, patience is the key in my book


i thought there was something you could do like scrape or chip some off the rock to spread the pores?


Active Member
Good calcium and time. But adding a seedrock speeds things up too.... Yes if you can get scrapings to seed , it will speed thing up.Here is one I added to one of mine many moons ago....... Now days I just gripe about scrapping it off all the time...... Warren
Oops........ Update of site still not letting upload..... no picture


Active Member
Just put in a rock with coralline on it. It will seed. You can also scrape the rock a little to get some coralline floating around before you put the rock in, this will also help. No need to dose anything. Your water changes will supply the calcium needed to help it to grow.


How long till you see coraline?
Depends on several factors, Lighting, Calcium, Alkalinity, Ph, Temp, and water flow just to name a few. In short after a tank is in propper balance, cycled and stable you will see growth. Most of my tanks color up in less than 3 months.