Coraline shavings experiment !!!


I purchased coraline shavings from another member to jump start my coraline growth. There has been some intrest with other members wondering if this will help them, so we begin ! I started dosing my tank to reaise the calcium level about six days ago. I have noticed some growth already. Below are the shavings I recieved, the growth that has already begun since I started dosing and a whole tank picture before the dosing. Any day now I expect the arrival of my new metal halides. I don't know if this will effect the growth rate. 450 ppm calcium level today.


Active Member
Too much light can inhibit growth, keep that in mind... It does take a very extreme amount to do this though.


This does work, it's how I seeded my tank for coraline. Just remember, the most important thing for coraline growth is proper water chemistry, got to keep those calcium, alk, and mag levels up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Too much light can inhibit growth, keep that in mind... It does take a very extreme amount to do this though.
not exactly true. You will see more corraline growth with PCs than you will with MH. I would think the same applies for VHO > MH and maybe even T-5 > MH depending on the T-5 fixture.


Active Member
Coraline alge is pretty and such, but what a royal pain to scrap and remove....You may want to keep the calcium a little lower...........I wish I could keep it out of my tanks......

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Coraline alge is pretty and such, but what a royal pain to scrap and remove....You may want to keep the calcium a little lower...........I wish I could keep it out of my tanks......
+1!! You want it until you have it


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Coraline alge is pretty and such, but what a royal pain to scrap and remove....You may want to keep the calcium a little lower...........I wish I could keep it out of my tanks......
Off the subject comment, I'm so glad you went back to that Avatar !!!! It Rocks!!!