


Is this coraline please help. Also I have a 72 bowfront with coralife lights 2 10k and 2 blues. About 50 pounds of dry rock, ehiem pro 2, sea clone 100, koralia 4 1200 gph power head and hang on filter. I have another 40 lbs of live rock curing to be put in tank. For fish I have black peacock lion, dwarf fuzzy lion, maroon clown, mimic tang, dogface puffer, and last but not least a snowflake eel. This tank started as a fish only with crushed coral. Now the old lady (who I might add had no interest until she saw it all set up) would like to see some color. The more I looked into corals I started to agree. It's to the point that I actuall heard her say we could get another smaller tank just for corals. I just can't see spending that kind of money. This tank has been set up for almost three months and I love it. My question is can I add some corals to this set up, and if so which ones? The Lfs says the puffer is almost completely a no. I would hate to give him up but I guess that's the nature of the beast. Also I might add this is my first salt tank so please try to keep comments to that level haha. Also my salinity is at 1.020 now and the store tells me to keep it low until the live rock is introduced. This is to eliminate parasites? How would the pros handle this. Any and all help is greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
O an also the red stuff is not able to be scratched off. I had brown Alge covering this rock and when it vanished the red showed up as two little spots and continues to grow daily.
Here is some pics if it works



might be but to me it looks like the start of cyno bacteria which can spread rapidly.
sometimes when it first starts up it can be flat on the rock and harder to get off as it spreads it starts to fluff up and comes off easy.
There is also red coraline algae as well. the thing that gets me on your tank it looks like its all base rock that was dry at one point. *If thats what it is then I do not think its coraline since it needs a source for the pores to hit the tank and start to grow. I would keep an eye on it and add some extra current in that area since cyno bacteria doe not really like a high flow areas.


Thanks for the welcome. You are right that was all dry rock that was purchased at the lps. I have a korola 1200gph power head. I just moved it to the front of the tank pointed it right at the rock. If it's the bacteria will thi kill it! I like the color kinda hope it's coraline


Anyone else want to chime in. How bout what corals in this set up.waiting desperately.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Michael is right. It's the start of a cyano outbreak. I wouldn't think about putting any corals in there until you get your nitrates and phosphates under control. Start reading the archives in the new hobbyist forum for some good answers to cyanobacteria outbreaks.


Thanks for the reply snake. I took a water sample in to the Lfs and they said everything checked out only a trace amount .25 of ammonia. I don't know if they test phosphates but I know the do test nitrates as well as myself.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scottatmiles http:///t/387971/coraline#post_3419374
Thanks for the reply snake. I took a water sample in to the Lfs and they said everything checked out only a trace amount .25 of ammonia. I don't know if they test phosphates but I know the do test nitrates as well as myself.
They probably just tested for the basics (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) unless you ask to check phosphates. Unless you've introduced any liverock with red calcareous algae then it's probably a safe bet that it's the beginnings of cyano. Are you using tap water?


Yes it's tap water. The only thing other than stuff above I have added was some snails temporarily. Could they carry the spores on there shells. I had just a reg tank light on this set up. I recently received the lights posted above. Shortly after the new lights my rocks were covered with brown Alge and almost over night it went away and this stuff showed up. Now it's starting to spread a bit and also seeing some faint green show up. I guess I'll take another sample in. They have seen the pictures above and say they think it's coraline. Here is a pic from tonight. O and thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Snails can also carry it on their shells yes, so it is a possibility. Typically the natural progression would be diatomes first, then algae (ususally green hair algae) and or bacteria second, and then you'll start to see calcareous algae. Time will tell. What are you calcium and magnesium levels at?
Also, what type of lighting system are you using and how many bulbs? That will determine what types of corals you can keep. But you need to verify all of your parameters first before you should start adding any of that stuff.
Also, I don't think that you're going to find many folks here that would agree that a specific gravity of 1.020 is going to do anything to keep parasites away. And you're snails may not appreciate it too much. I don't really see any algae in there for them to feed on from what I can see. You say this tank is 3 months old?


Yes the tank is about three mths old. The snails are gone now, they were temporary. I have a coralife 2x10k, 2x actinic. Corals are still several weeks away as I need to get the live rock in over the next couple weeks, and then bring the salinity. Should I wait on the tests you stated until after the live rock. I appreciate all the help.