corall banded shrimp ever aggressive?

I've noticed my coral banded shrimp grabbing at a fish as it swam by the other day and I also saw it eating what appeared to be a snail. I don't know if it killed the snail or ate it because it was already dead. My shrimp just mol :notsure: ted and looks a lot bigger now.


Originally Posted by janicebembry
I've noticed my coral banded shrimp grabbing at a fish as it swam by the other day and I also saw it eating what appeared to be a snail. I don't know if it killed the snail or ate it because it was already dead. My shrimp just mol :notsure: ted and looks a lot bigger now.
I had one grab a coral cat in mid swim and begin to eat it's face. The cat was doing well, I was out of the room for awhile, came back and the shrimp had him firmly in it's claw. The fish was squirming. I poked my stick in there, the shrimp released him, but the cat did not make it. I have also heard stories of CB shrimp being just fine though. I think it depends on the personality of the shrimp. If he is snatching at your fish, you may want to move him to the fuge or just get rid of him (to the lfs, or give him away).


mine is just fine. but he is smaller then my other two shrimps (cleaners).
But if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different anwsers.


Originally Posted by Mace
mine is just fine. but he is smaller then my other two shrimps (cleaners).
But if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different anwsers.

Your shrimp is still small. Most of the "pro CBS" responses are when the shrimp is still small. Mine was about 3", MUCH larger than my cleaners. He was a mean little guy. I think if you ask 10 people about cbs's you will get 4 pro and 6 con (not from my own experience, just from others on the boards). I am hoping others will chime in about their experiences. People that have had their shrimp for at least a few months preferrably. (I don't know how long you have had yours and was not insinuating anything) :happyfish
I had a CBS for about 5 years.,she was huge. I never seen her harm the tiniest of fish.Then again,she was well fed,a cube of prime reef all to herself every couple of days.Maybe hunger is driving your CBS to be so aggressive or has anger management problems. :mad:


My LFS has a huge CBS in their DT. It tries to grab the tangs as they swim by. I'm pretty sure these guys are like Domino Damsels... cute and sweet juveniles; mean and bitter adults.


You will get different results. Some will be fine and some will cause problems. I have a mated pair of CBS shrimp that can stand right next to 2 Sexy Shrimp and a peppermint shrimp, then at night they typically wander the tank and pass right by my 3 skunk cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp without incidence. In my case, everyone gets along.
If you look carefully, in this picture you can see 2 CBS, 2 Sexy and 1 peppermint all hanging out in my 120.


Does anyone know how I can catch my CBS? We haven't had issues with him yet, but I do suspect him of killing my beautiful black cap basslet :mad: as she kept going in his cave when she was first introduced to the tank, and he's very possessive of his cave when he's in it.
He only comes out at night, and our tank is pretty deep, so I think even if I were to dip the net in there while he was out in the open, he'd be back in his cave in a flash...
I'd like to get rid of him before I attempt another black cap basslet...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanicky
Does anyone know how I can catch my CBS? We haven't had issues with him yet, but I do suspect him of killing my beautiful black cap basslet :mad: as she kept going in his cave when she was first introduced to the tank, and he's very possessive of his cave when he's in it.
He only comes out at night, and our tank is pretty deep, so I think even if I were to dip the net in there while he was out in the open, he'd be back in his cave in a flash...
I'd like to get rid of him before I attempt another black cap basslet...
Bait it. Net it.


My CBS is one mean SOB. That being said i do keep other shrimp and small fish with it. I keep the CBS well fed and the other tankmates have learned to give it a wide berth. The only victims of the CBS have been some blue leg hermits. I think they pick the fight in the first place though. I have had mine for over two months and i think the secret is to keep them well fed.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Your shrimp is still small. Most of the "pro CBS" responses are when the shrimp is still small. Mine was about 3", MUCH larger than my cleaners. He was a mean little guy. I think if you ask 10 people about cbs's you will get 4 pro and 6 con (not from my own experience, just from others on the boards). I am hoping others will chime in about their experiences. People that have had their shrimp for at least a few months preferrably. (I don't know how long you have had yours and was not insinuating anything) :happyfish
LOL none taken.
I have had him for 2 months now. Hopefully he wont get to agressive since his tank mates and he have all been togther for a while now but who knows.


My CBS is pretty much a jerk and needs to be slapped. He tried to take the nose off of my blue tang, but as long as everyone stays out of his way - he's cool. Thinking of getting rid of him though.