Corallife v.s. Instant Ocean


Active Member
While we're on the subject, any opinons on Crystal Sea, Reef Crystals, or Red Sea? I've heard good things about Oceanic.


i like both Instant Ocean and Coralife. I always use Instant Ocean, but yesterday i bought coralife to try it out. I did a 20% water change this morning and it seemed pretty good. Instant Ocean also works great. I have never used Crystal Sea, Reef Crystals, or Red Sea, so i don't know anything about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaSoTaNkEr
I did a 20% water change this morning and it seemed pretty good.
Can you really tell anything about the quality on a single use? Isn't the main diffrence between the brands the ratios of trace elements?


Active Member
Interesting. While researching an unrelated topic, I came accross an insinuation that Crystal Sea is inconsistant, and may be bad for the long term health of invertabrates.


Active Member
People who have extra money use it. It's been said that it is superior, but I personally think it's more of a status symbol thing! :D I use TM, but only because that's what my LFS mixes up in their HUGE vat and I get my water from them. When I get my bigger tank I am going to start mixing my own and I'll be using IO.


Active Member
Nope salt isnt just salt. Diffrent Salt has Diffrent trace elements in it the better the salt the better more stable the elements. Things like instant ocean have constant readings so one tub wont vary from another but other brands like reef crystals can vary from bag to bag and that isnt good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore

i have found that the ocean salts are more stable, at least in my own use. they also dissolve quicker, since i do not use pre-made batches


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i have found that the ocean salts are more stable, at least in my own use. they also dissolve quicker, since i do not use pre-made batches
So if you properly pre-desolve, areate and heat the water, Instant Ocean is just as good, but not if you need to do an emergency water change?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore
So if you properly pre-desolve, areate and heat the water, Instant Ocean is just as good, but not if you need to do an emergency water change?
unfortunatly, i do not have the resources (space) to premix and aerate water.
the bucket that is used to remove my 5-10g of water at a time, is the same bucket that is used to mix, check salinity, then put back into the tank.
when i was using IO, i found that the salt was not dissolving as fast, and that it took longer for it to adjust in my tank.
since i mix and pour, i find that the oceanic not only dissolves faster, but there is less variation in the chemistry of my tank when replenishing the water
just my opinion based on my experience....

jonny bolt

Funny, Oceanic is the salt that I hear about most not being consistant with its trace elements. Of all the salts, Oceanic is the one I have read the most negative feedback on over the past 12 months.
I have used Oceanic a few times. I used Red Sea once too. I use either Tropic Marin or Instant Ocean. From my research, they seem to be the most consistant, most trusted, and most recommended.