coralline algae

is there anything I can supplement into the water such as calcium to encourage coralline algae growth? because I have some on my rocks but it is coming along very slow and just wanted to see if anything would help speed it up. thanks in advance.


Active Member
patience is the best... make shure you keep your calcium around 450-500 just so it has the proper ammout of calcium to grow.


I agree patience young grass hopper.
and if you wait long enough you'll have more coraline algae than you will ever want, on the glass, on some of your conch shells, on your power heas and EVERYthing in the tank under the wate you'll be a tank scraping fool you'll have so much!!
how long hs your tank been up
and is it always good to keep your calcium levels around 450 to 500??


Yes thats a good question... my calcium is currently at 420, should I raise it a bit more?


yes, it will help you grow coraline, also it helps inverts such as snails grow shells and stony corals to build their skeletons.
i highly doubt your killing anything by it only being at 420, but raising it will be good.


K. The reason I ask is most places recommend 400-440 or so, I figure more the merrier.