Coralline algae


Will live rock grow coralline algae even if it looks whiteish brown in color. Would purple up make it grow better?


Active Member
purple will help, but it will also mess up ur other water parameters. given time, coraline algae will grow if water condition is right.


Liverock is whitish brown in color a lot of time when people buy it because they are produced in big drums in most stores with no lights on them. Coralline algae will definitely grow in time, it just needs light, thats all. Oh yeah, and it seems coralline enjoys lower intensity lighting. Power compacts have been known to get solid coralline growth over time, however a downside is you can't keep sps or other light intensive corals/inverts. Metal halide or T5 HO lighting still produce coralline, but not at the rate I've seen power compacts produce. Just my experience...
hope this helps.