Coralline Algae



well, when i only had the VHO's on my tank it didn't do much. That was at 4.4 watts per gallon. When I added the MH (10.4 watts/gal) it really took off and spread - covered all the rock and the powerheads, overflow, back of the tank. You guys can sit there and try to pass off why you skimped on MH, but you really are missing out. :p LMAO, low light intensity is why purple grows so well on natural reefs under equatorial full sun light. :D
I'm just messin with you guys. ;)
there are 10 million ways to get the same thing in this hobby.


When I first set up my tank I used B-Ionic's two part additive. I loved the stuff except for having to dose daily. Up until I used B-Ionic I had minimal coralline algae growth. Once I dosed through my first bottle the stuff really took off. I switched to Tropic Marin Calcium per the recommendation of my LFS. Can't say I was impressed at first but once I got my water quality under control I noticed a substantial amount of growth on the tank glass.
I too do not have MH and only recently switched to VHO. I would guesstimate 75% of my growth came under PC and NO lighting. My LR is 90% covered in corraline algae of all colors (deep purples, deep & light pinks etc) and types (wafer looking type, bubble looking type).
Try doing more frequent water changes, like 10% every week, and see if that helps. Also try increasing cirrculation in your tank. Both of these things helped me out initially.


New Member
Besides keeping water parameters in check, my LFS guy told me to take a toothbrush and brush some coraline that's already present to release the spores and hopefully spread HTH
Metal halide first pic VHO sec pic either one will grow this purple stuff I wish I could get it to slow down grows on everything especially the glass:)



Originally posted by cc0905
Besides keeping water parameters in check, my LFS guy told me to take a toothbrush and brush some coraline that's already present to release the spores and hopefully spread HTH

In addition to this, shut off your skimmer.