coralline alge


the coraline aglae on my rock was there colers and now only got one and veary little on it i have five snals one pin urchant and one pepermint shrimp im using aragamilk and my lighting is not that good it starts to grow then i see the snils and urchant on it and then it looks bad what can i do?


Active Member
Can you give more info about your setup? Size tank, lighting, alk, calcium, ect...
It's true urchins eat coraline, but, they also poop it and spread it all of the tank, and thats a good thing.
Lower lighting will also help certain colors of the coraline, the purples I believe. So if you have pink, well the light may not be strong enough to support it.
Get back with some more on your setup.


I have them in a 20g and i'm going to put them in my 55 when I get the rest of the equipment for it. All my levels have been fine when I test them. I just have a standard light though.