Coralline- Front Glass


New Member
Hello Everyone
I'm getting small buds of coralline algae on my front glass.
I've worked my mag-float over them, but it doesn't do the job.
Neither does my rough mesh brush. Does anyone know a good
technique for scrubbing it off?



Originally posted by YellowTail
do a search on google for kent marine algae scraper.
good luck:happy:

They make one each for glass or acyrlic, so make sure you get the right one, especially if your tank is acrylic. :)


Use a old credit card. I use the ones that they send that are fake to get you to call in. You know... the ones with the " Your name here" card number 1234567890. Works great and it is free:D

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by saltcreep
Use a old credit card. I use the ones that they send that are fake to get you to call in. You know... the ones with the " Your name here" card number 1234567890. Works great and it is free:D

Dammit, I threw those all away. I guess I'll just have to wait untill next week.:D


Active Member
The credit card method works very well and is cheap!
I got a fake AmEx Blue card attached to a credit application the other day, and I've got to say, it looks very nice under water!