Coralline growing on coral


I have a Hyacinth Bird Nest coral that has been growing fairly well since I got it over a year ago. I was even able to frag a piece off and it did well.
Recently it started getting a bit of red algae growth on the tips of each piece.
Well since that algae grew on it my potters angelfish & lawnmower blenny took a liking to it and started eating the algae off it.
Ever since they ate algae off its growing coralline on its tips (the light purple kind).
What should I do?? I basically think that the coral is on its path to get consumed by coralline and eventually die. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member

Anything that is hard surfaced, even corals over time will get coraline algae on it. If you try and remove it, even if the CUC does, it stresses the coraline and it really takes off and grows then.
I don't have any hard corals just softies, but coraline is growing on all the coral rocks, clams and even on my hermit crabs shells. I don't know if it will choke it out or not.

The only critter I know that eats coraline are urchins and they do more damage than good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
If you try and remove it, even if the CUC does, it stresses the coraline and it really takes off and grows then.
Coralline can take off if you scrap it and seeds new area, hence you see advancement of growth. It's not a stress that encourages new growth.
Your coral looks like it isn't doing so hot as seen by the bleached base and coloured tips.


tbh, it looks like the coral is already dead and its just algae growing on the skeleton? Coralline will not grow on flesh (unlike some filamentous algae).