

Active Member
This might be a dumb question, but why do I get better coralline growth in my fug. as opposed to my display tank? I just set up my fug. 2 weeks ago and I see some nice color on the rocks, and in my display I'm just starting to see small specks of color.

bang guy

You probably have less light in your refugium so the Darker Coralline grows better there. It has been my experience that the darker corallines grow faster.


I read somewhere something about elevating certain trace elements to get better corraline growth. Which ones should be checked/raised and too what levels?


Active Member
Dees anyone ever use a phosphate remover? I read that if nitrates are high and if phosphates are present that coralline algae will take longer to grow.
Also can anyone answer me this: I have a hairy-red hermit crab and when I bought him he was all over the place, eating like a mad man. Now he seems to just hide or sit still. I have an arrow and he's no different and my others are ok. Any ideas as to what could be wrong. Not enough algae to eat? Or something in my water chemistry missing or bad? What affects inverts the most?:notsure:

mr. tuna

Active Member
the more lighting, the more coralline.
If you get mh`s forget about it.. it would be all over!!!


I don't think that more light thing is true because i have 2 mh on my 55 gallon but have the same amount of growthas ther in my fuge (which are both growing corallin out of control lol)


Active Member
My coraline is more consentrated in the darker spots. ie... the ends of the tank, under the over hangs. under the spray bar, ect....
And I have MH.
I have lots of coraline in the fuge. You can barely see in the tank.


Active Member
Does anyone ever use a phosphate remover? filter,etc? I read that if nitrates are high and if phosphates are present that coralline algae will take longer to grow.

nm reef

Active Member
I use phosphate sponge once a month and have non-detectable phosphates...I'm not sure there is a relationship between elevated phosphates/nitrates and lack of coraline. For the most part coraline will thrive if there is a good initial source/there is adaquate lighting & circulation/with stable and possibly elevated levels of calcium & alkalinity.My refugium also shows much more coraline growth than the display...especially in the lighter colored types...but there is also a lot of coraline in the display...mostly darker in color and not as fast to spread.:thinking: