

if i'm using kalkwasser and strontium and calcium and iodine about how quick do you think coralline will start to show up in my tank being that all parameters are good


Are you testing for the trace minerals that you're adding? If not, I wouldn't add them. Regular water changes should do the trick. As far as dosing the kalk, I'm not real sure if the two solid months of dosing is what caused my coraline to go crazy, or if it's the fact that my tank is about 7 months old now. I think it's probably a combination of both. So, if your tank has been set up a while, then a couple of months of dosing should give you what you're looking for.


Active Member
I agree with 6tokes, If you cant measure somehing you dose in your tank You shouldnt dose it. If you want coraline growth try keep calcium above 400 and alk between 8-10. To jump start the coraline you can by a peice of rock that is covered in it, put it in the tank, srcape it, and let the spores get into the water columb. Be patient, when it starts to grow it will come fast trust me. What are you params exactly? and how long has the tank been set up?


my tank has been set up for 3 years. ph=8.3 ammon=0 trates=0 trites=0 salinity=1.023