I eventually want to try some corals, but for now my tank is pretty much filled with fish, shrimp & hermits. I did buy one green ricordia from here about 6 months ago just because it was so cheap and I heard easy to keep and I wanted to try something out and see how successful it was in my tank. I don't have any sticky junk to glue it down yet, but it was attached to a tiny piece of rock that held it in place. It was doing fine, had nice coloring, and was growing a little bit. Well, about a week ago it disappeared. I moved some powerheads around and eventually it blew out from behind a rock, but it's no longer attached to the little rock that it was before. If I put it back in its original place, the tiniest bit of flow (like my cleaner shrimp sliding over top of it) knocks it off. I've heard you can put a small container over it for a few days to make them attach, but then how does it get light? What's the best way to get the little guy to stay on his rock?