Corals Bleaching


Some of my corals have started bleaching after I used a jug of KickIck. That is the only change I have done other than changing to halides. There are no fish in the tank, all are still in Hypo. I did acclimate the corals to the halides, had to move a couple also. Of course water temps have raised some, 84 max at times, may need a chiller...
Once they start to bleach is there any chance of reversing it?
thanks for any input
75 gal
Am 0
Nitrate 0-10
Nitrite 0
PH 8.2
Ca 440
Phos 0-.5


You absolutely can reverse bleaching.
2 questions.
Explain how you acclimated to halides...
and what is your salinity? Oh and what are you checking your salinity with?
Oh and phosphates... 0-0.5?? That's a pretty big swing... .05, OK, but .5?? really?


Per recommendations I did not blast them with the halides. I added hours on slowly, and raised them to their original higher positions.
My refractometer reading is currently 1.024. I did have it at 1.026 as suggested in one of my reefkeepers books to see if it would make a difference. I recently did a 30% water change and brought it down to 1.024. I test & calibrate weekly.
I worried maybe phosphate was high but tests came out barely detectable. The API test kit. I use chemi-pure elite also. There is no excess algae growth, just good coralline.
And I did add a small uv sterilizer about the same time as I used the kickich.
This tank has been extremely stable since its start last summer. Even nitrates were always 0 until I used the kickich, now it runs 10-20.
I use a marineland skimmer.


So many things can cause slight bleaching that it wouldn't surprise me if kick ick does also.
I've seen slight bleaching in my own tank from...
Letting the specific gravity fall to 1.021 (normally at 1.025)
Adding a phosban reactor
and my temp climbing to high when my chiller broke, my anemone went completely white overnight.
When corals stress, they bleach. But if nothing is still changing, you should see the color come back.
If it still gets worse, then we'll have to keep troubleshooting.