Corals Dont Look Good


Hey guys, My coals don't look good at all everything in the tanks as far as water conditions look good except temp. its holding about 90F right now. I'm thinking this is why the corals don't look good at all right or no?


Well-Known Member
Constant 90 is way too high... Fans will help cool things down..I also noticed when I do water changes that the temp drops. The reason is the waterfall effect my pumps make, I don't disconnect them until they are about to be exposed to air. So you could remove some water and let the water drop dump back into the tank. It ill make salt creep real bad but it will lower the temp 7 to 8 degrees, even more with a fan running.


Thanks you guys i thought so.... curiosity has the cat,, i have a old water cooler and i was thinking of making a chiller out of it . do you think it might work???


Well hey... i had Friend donate me small fridge so ya you guess it i made a chiller out of it. i just got it running about an hr ago for a 24 gal nano, I'm hoping i did it right ,and for what I'm thinking a tank as 24 gal ,I'm hoping to just get about a 8-10 degree difference ill see where it drops by morning.


Working!!!!!! temp was @ 86f not after 48hrs + I'm @ 78F i think its still decreasing so ill keep an eye on it.