CORALS-How many can you add to your tank ??


I'm very curious , can we add more coral and not wait as long as adding fish to the tank. In other words fish increase the bio load to the tank and it tanks time (LOL) to adjust.
Is this the same for all corals,
Do polyp apply..........
new fish

nm reef

Active Member
Corals add little if anything to the bio-load...but water paramiters should be established and stable prior to adding corals. Plus it helps to have a working knowledge of each new addition prior to adding any new corals. I've added 5-6 new corals at a time with no problems and currently have over 50 individual corals in a 55 gal reef.

salty rick

NM Reef,
I went to your webshots and website. Your aquarium looks awsome. I saw on the webshots that you had a Yellow Tang. Did the "Tang Police" come and take it away because it was in a 55G?:D :D


NM reef , thanks for answering my question , does one coral or another have diffrent water parameters. do you add anything additional to feed them. I add iodine , strontium/molybdenum,
calcium ab by kent. what does kalkwasser do, and will it add color and life to the corals. how do you dose it.
new fish



Originally posted by NewFishLINY
what does kalkwasser do, and will it add color and life to the corals.Don

Kalkwasser stabilizes your calcium and I believe your alkilinity. Once they are at a good level then you want to start dosing kalk. at your discression (sp?) 1-4 tsp of kalk per gallon of RO water. Youll need to setup an auto top off or use the drip method.....