corals losing color


Is there any specific reasons as to why a coral would lose color? I have torch and hammer that are becoming transparant.


Active Member
Whats your lighting? it could be a lack or light or nutrients...tank specs woudl be appreciated if possible..


HQI 150 watt MH over 90G tank
amonia, trite, trate 0
salt 1.026
temp 80-82
calcium 470
alk 2.7 i know its low, waiting for 2 part bionic in mail.
what do you mean by nutrient. I have never fed them anything before. Mainly because they wont eat anything. I thought lighting alone is good enough.


I feed mine mysis a couple times week. Are they getting good enough light. Corals generally get their bright colors to act as a sort of sunscreen.


I dont understand how to feed them. do you put it beside his mouth?? I have tried that but everytime I did that, they all shrank up and I have never seen them try to open their mouth to eat.


Well don't force feed them. What I do is take a medicine dropper (you can buy these at LFS) and fill it with brine or mysis and then gently squeeze it out nearby the coral or over it's tenacles and it will naturally grab a piece or two and bring it to it's mouth and eat it. I wouldn't put it right next to it's mouth and it probably doesn't like that and that's why it's closes up on you. I am still not sure that lack of food would make it loose it's color. I think it would definitely make it smaller if it wasn't getting food, but I don't think it would make it lose color. Good luck.