Corals that will work in a 30 gal 130wPC


Active Member
I have just bought my light fixture for my 30 gallon. it is a dual Pc 2x65w. I have one 10,000k daylight white and one super actinic. What kind of corals would be good to grow under these. I was hoping for some button polyps but im not sure if they will thrive. I think mushrooms but im not sure yet. This is my first step into reef systems.


I have the exact same setup. I have donut coral, Xenia, mushroom, toadstool and colt all are thriving and forcing me to a larger tank.


Pretty much any mushroom, button polyps,yellow polyps, green Star Polyps, most zoos, leathers, Basically any of the soft corals. Even some of the LPS would be OK.
just to add a few- bubble coral, ricordia, favites brain, maybe even a trachphylia brain, yellow fiji leather, candy cane, fox coral. I have all of these under 260 pcs in a 55, keep them well fed and under desired water flows and these should do well.


as i said in ur other post montipora can grow under these to resource of this knowledge is a fellow aqaurist grew a species of montipora in a 15 gallon under pc's


Active Member
that was in a 15 gallon with who knows how much light. Im not trying for SPS here. I just want some softies that can flourish with these conditions.