corals to start out with


i know that there is no such thing as an "easy to keep coral" but what is a good beginner coral to start out with?


Mushrooms, polyps, colt corals are all fairly hardy and good places to start.


Active Member
I agree,colts and mushrooms are great to start with.The important thing is that you do your research.I personally don't think anything in my tanks are hard to keep.I'm sure I'm like many others who love taking care of there corals and fish.As long as you know not only what each coral needs but how to take care of it you can have a whole slew of corals.Just read,read,read and keep asking questions.
I might recommend some type of leather as well, preferably not a yellow leather. It mostly depend on your lights what you can start out with . If they are good than you can almost start out with anything as long as the tank is well established. I would however stay away from acraporas which they can be hard to keep. A finger leather is a breat choice and you can pay it off by getting frags off of it and selling them back to the store. Some corals are very profitable, atleast the ones that grow fast.