Corals were nice, now. Closed


I got new corals yesterday along with a foxface. This am all of the corals are closed. I did a water test and it showed nitrate in caution salt slightly low so I did a water change with salt water.
I havent had corals until yesterday so wondered if this is normal ?

The two in question are in the photo. The lower one seems a little greener now so maybe it's opening up .


Active Member
A lot of the time corals will close up when first introduced into a new tank. Give it a day or two and see if it opens (now that you have already tested the water and made corrections).
How did you acclimate them to your tank?
Are those mushrooms?? Nice color!!


No not mushrooms but I forgot what he called them . Since posting , the red legged crab I got was hanging around all the corals and when I moved the one , many of the green heads fell off. I think it's dead :-(
I have some green still showing so hoping the higher position where crab can't get might help .


As for acc. To the tank. First I floated , then did partial water additions to the bags. The odd thing is, until I went to sleep last night, all was fine. It's like the overnight beast got it


Active Member
Keep the corals in the tank... They can surprise you with just how resilant they really are. maybe move it up the the rocks more. Is is a frogspawn or torch coral?? Can you describe how it looked before it closed up? It might help determine what the next steps are.
Google corals and try to find a pic of what it looked like before.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TaureanTank http:///t/392791/corals-were-nice-now-closed#post_3490071
I think it was torch ... One had almost hammer like heads
Hammer coral then, and a torch. They are all kinda similar... They are LPS corals.
I would just give it a day or so and see. You can research on care for torch coral and hammer coral. Should be med light, med flow, mid up the tank. But I am not 100% for sure. Good luck!!


Thanks I'm awaiting a call back from the place I got them. He will be able to tell me what they are for sure as he raises most of what he sells .


Active Member
Originally Posted by TaureanTank http:///t/392791/corals-were-nice-now-closed#post_3490038
I got new corals yesterday along with a foxface. This am all of the corals are closed. I did a water test and it showed nitrate in caution salt slightly low
so I did a water change with salt water.
Does this statement indicate you are using strips for testing?
If so, throw them away and get a good test kit.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Coral react to high nitrates of above 20, it look like a reaction to toxin. Plus you will need all the test kits from PH, ammonia, nitrites, KH, calcium, magnesium and iodine. To keep coral healthy you need pristine water quality, nothing less. How long has this tank been set up?


Hey mister !
Thanks for the feedback
My local store said the test stops were ok when I jut had the lion and rock, I guess it's time to get the other kit.
Any suggestions on getting those?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by TaureanTank http:///t/392791/corals-were-nice-now-closed#post_3490090
Hey mister !
Thanks for the feedback
My local store said the test stops were ok when I jut had the lion and rock, I guess it's time to get the other kit.
Any suggestions on getting those? see my list above, API are cheep and good for magnesium and iodine you want to get Sulfate brand or similar.
From your comment "Hey mister!" I take it you are young. Local stores can be useful for information but remember they want to sell you stuff. People on this site have no motivation other than to help you, so please understand that. Also what type of lighting do you have?


Sorry no one asked what type of lights on tank. Would this matter. It said all he had was a lion and a rock so don't need much ligh


The issue is / was water temperature. My LFS said ideal temp is 80..... the coral place says he doesnt suggest anything over 77 and ideal is 72-75. so if in fact that range is correct, the temp was the issue ????

mr. limpid

Active Member
The big blue (Ocean) temp range around reef's is 78 to 82. Not sure who is this coral place? You bought this coral from LFS correct? For coral to react this fast it has to be something chemical in the tank, parms are off. Or did you add any copper or other meds to your tank in the past?

red tiger

What lights are you using? Have you taken phosphate reading?
I have a Frogspawn/Hammer dominate tank, the only times i have experienced them withdrawing are when they are beign bothered by an inhabitant.
Give us all your peramaters, whats your water change schedule? Check your Magnessium!
Also check if your powerhead isn't blasting it directly, frigspawns/torch/hammer don't like strong direct current!
Also, when you move a frag from lfs to your home, at times it will loose tentacles but don't worry.