Corals wiped out!... help?


Ok... so ive been caring for mah babies for the last 3-4 months now... i HAD some xenia, zoos, stars, sun coral, and gorgonian... and then 5 days ago... all dead! in one day too!!
Now, Im posting this mainly for 2 reasons
1) to apologize to those with whom i was going to trade cause now i cant T__T
2) to see if anyone can provide a little insight on what might have happened.
Now, the tank I have is a 24 gallon aquapod. Additives and food are mostly purple up (for the calcium and iodine (among other stuff) in it), phyto, cyclopleeze, ... what everyone adds. Nothing fancy, no weird chemicals either.
All my levels are normal, little high on nitrates (20). PH 8.2, temp is always 79-80, trites and ammonia are zero, Calcium was a little high (dont ask, i dont remember but it wasnt much over the normal range), alk is slightly high but still good too.
I had been using IO salt.
Now... when i did my water change last week, i switched from IO salt to Oceanic, cause the IO ran out. Made sure my salinity was ok in my tank and in the water change as always, did my water change, blablabla, everything was normal.
Next morning, the xenia was completely shrivelled up and looked darker than normal. 4 hours later when i got back from school, it was melting, the tank smelled like crap. I removed the xenia immediately.
Took me... say 20-30 min to remove the xenia from the rock it was on.. left the rock out and returned to see the tank... and then...
A) the gorgonian's polyps were all shriveled and weird looking, it also was sorta melting (its yellow and there was yellow stuff oozing from it). VERY smelly too >_<
B) my sun coral.. the color was washing off of it.. more and more it looked like a dead skeleton. also smelly
C) my zoo's were closed and smelly (same with stars.)
So i take all these out since i wasnt positive about some being dead and quarantined for the last few days. All got worse, None opened. what could melt started melting. Other stuff just lost color.. etc.. They all died...
I did a 60% water change after removing all the corals. So its been 5ish days since the water change and coral death.
Now, I HIGHLY doubt switchin brands of salt would kill them cause none of my fish or inverts died...ok fine, an emerald crab i had died. but he was pretty big and probably old. Also, he died today, so it's probably unrelated In my tank i got:
1-royal gramma
1-sixline wrasse
2-clownfish (ocellaris)
1-mandarin goby (dont mention him. eats pellets and stuff, its doing fine).
1- skunk cleaner shrimp
1- blue coral banded shrimp
1- anemone crab (who hosted the xenia.. but it's been months since i got him so he cant be the cause)
1- porcelain crab
several hermits (forgot how many.. not a lot at all.. like 5, 6 or so
2 mexican turbo snails
2- nassarius snails
1- longspine urchin (only eats algae, never even came close to the corals)
Now, as a final note. a month ago I saw something which resembled a blisted on the stalks of some of my xenia. These went away in a few days. One day before they died, they reappeared, but dissappeared the same day. I do not know if this is a sign of anything important. (also, these xenias must have been healthy since they grew and split many times)


Active Member
I think I might of asked you this in another thread, but are you testing you alk, ca, and iodine?


all but iodine, but i had been adding it as instructed. All my lvls were perfect too. Also, been adding things since igot my first corals 2-3 months ago and havent changed anything... so... i couldnt be messing up too bad... They pretty much died from one day to the next. There was no noticeable decline at all.


if you are not testing for alk then you caused this yourself. just because you follow directions on bottle doesnt mean that it is right. the level might be high and every day you add and guess what happens when it gets so high since you have no idea what your level is at??? thats right crashed tank.... my guessthe alk is what causes it to melt away.
test...test...test...before you add anything,cause you might not need to add anything


jesus... learn to read... i said only thing i did not test for was iodine. Test for ALK,PH,KH,Salinity,NO3,NO2,NH3,Calcium... did i leave anything out? not that i can think of. Only thing i add but dont test for is iodine


well iodine is really your intake might be as fast as what you add. I dont know if excess iodine kills corals though.


was there any possibility of a temp spike? i mean a temp spike could kill all corals and leave fish stressed but not dead!


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
well iodine is really your intake might be as fast as what you add. I dont know if excess iodine kills corals though.

Too much iodine is not good. You should not add ANYTHING that you aren't testing for.


I doubt there was such an excess idione or such a small amount that it was killing the corals.. but maybe? guess ill order an iodine test kit since they dont sell em around here... The iodine I add is whatever amount is found in purple up (supposedly, it has iodine). There was enough Im assuming since my crabs and shrimp keep molting without a problem and the Xenia grew a lot and divided 6 times before dieing...
Also, no temp spikes.. i wish i could blame it on something that simple.
Is there anything known to eat/kill xenias? Maybe the blisters they developed a day or 2 before dieing show something like that is in my tank?


how big are nudi's? I stare at my tank all day long... unless they were REALLY small i should have noticed them... I do remember seeing some flatworm looking things of the exact same color of my xenia on the rock they came in when i bought em.. but they dissappeared shortly after (had been manually removing em till i saw no more)... but flat worms and nudis look different dont they?... could flatworms kill my xenia?


Ok so you use Purple Up and use Oceanic? I used to use Oceanic and I stopped because it was really high in calcium. If you look around the forum you can see that many people get more than 500 ppm of calcium while using Oceanic. On top of that you use Purple up, I know you've tested calcium, but who knows how accurate your test is. A lot of Calcium test are faulty, and I know that by personal experience. So I'm guessing it has to do something with your calcium.
BTW I'm assuming you're using purple up regularly, if not then I don't know why your tank crashed.


had been using IO untill one day before the crash... either way, ive given up on investigating the cause... im attributing it to the fact that god and I are not good friends hahaha....eeeeeeh......
Anywho! What I would very much like to know is, how long should I wait before adding new corals? LFS guy suggester to wait 1-2 weeks...
I did 60%water change after crash and ill be doing my weekly 10% later this week... would a week be enough? does it not matter?