Corals with this lighting



I really want to keep building a reef tank, but I'm not sure what will thrive in my lighting. I have a 72 gallon with 260 watt PC's. I already have some ricordeas and zoos. Are there any other fairly hardy corals that I can keep with this lighting?


Active Member
Yeah can keep some nice stuff with that, no higher light corals though. You can do all shrooms, some softies, some LPS.


you can keep softies easy... try to avoid sps, and if you do decide to make sure their not melting/bleeching


Active Member
You don't have shot at SPs with PC's. Im sorry, but they REQUIRE mh...Although some say you can keep them with T-5's too. Basically the onyl things I woudl stay away from if I was you would be anemones, SPS, and clams.


Could I keep pulsating xenias? Is $20 for about 5 stalks too much?


Active Member
at my LFS 5 stalks would cost 100 bucks. luckily i got all mine from my reef club and am now selling it :cheer:


I have two tanks both with pc. i keep a cup coral, torch, flower pot, closed brain and a annemome in my 30 gal had it all alive and doing fine for a year.


I have a 65g with PC's and 2-T5s and my corals are doing good...LPS, mushrooms, leathers etc...but in terms of spreading colonies for ex zoos and such you need MH lighting to really get things goin...My friend and I both bought pagoda cups at the same time, his is almost doubled in size skeletal wise while mine is polyping to the fullest it can but hasnt expanded at all...

sign guy

Active Member
I have a single 65 pc (50 50) and my lfs told me I was burning my shrooms any body ever herd of that. they were in the mid of my 46 :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I have a single 65 pc (50 50) and my lfs told me I was burning my shrooms any body ever herd of that. they were in the mid of my 46 :notsure:
i highly doubt youa re burning them. even if they were kept under NO light, i doubt 65 watts of PC stretched over a 45, and a good 10-12 inches down would realy burn mushrooms. they are very hardy. when i acclimated to halides i didnt move my mushrooms and didnt have any problems. but what were they kept under before you bought them?
PS: to awnser my question, i would start you own thread instead of hi-jacking this one ;) lol


Active Member
so you wouldnt be burning them, jsut suddenly starting them. youll want to place them inthe center and up high for now and slowly movethem to where you want.
PS: did you mean 250 watts of MH? or do you have 3 70 watt halides?

sign guy

Active Member
3 210 watts over 8ft. I have had them under a ledge for a week they started at the top and i keep moving them furter down. They do good for 2 weeks and then shrival up so I move them agin. they are on the sb now


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
You don't have shot at SPs with PC's. Im sorry, but they REQUIRE mh...Although some say you can keep them with T-5's too. Basically the onyl things I woudl stay away from if I was you would be anemones, SPS, and clams.
on the contrary, ive had quite the success with BTA under my PC's, though a BTA is the ONLY anemone that i would consider putting under PC's.
mine has doubled in size, and has split since ive had it in my tank, and i dont have MH's.
but SPS and clams are a definite NO without MH.


Active Member
the only problem with BTAs is that some will survive under PCs long term (liek over two years) while most will not. how long have you had your BTA? there are some cases of them living a long time under PCs, but almsot all of the long term success has been with MH
sign guy: they dont make 210 watt MH unless it is somethign like a shop halide... but i dont think they make a 210 watt version there either....

sign guy

Active Member
Yea I was wrong 3 175's. but I think I am going to start a thread about shroom after the simpsons are over
. i got a lot of ?'s