corals without a skimmer?


Just got my MH's in the mail today- I want to add corals but don't have a skimmer yet. Water parameters are all good. Would this be a bad idea?


Active Member

Originally posted by mudplayerx
Incredibly bad idea.

I wouldn't say that but its a good idea to wait.


you should wait, with the MH producing an extrem amount of Plankton, and no other source to take it out becides filter feeders, the plankton could easliy pollute the water.


Active Member
i would say that a protein skimmer is a deffinately needed item to keep your future corals healthy.... its an extra safety to know that your water is clean.. if your willing to invest in the MH lights a skimmer would be a small investment thats just as necessary


I plan on getting a bak pak or remora in a month or so. My flourescent light fixture broke the other day and I had to replace it so i fugured i would just go all out shell out the $$ for MH. Unfortunately I used all of my available funds on this. skimmer might have to wait about a month. You don't think corals would be ok for this amount of time? Or should I just wait?