

Im new to corals and didnt want to post this in the corals or reef forum cause its a kinds newbie question. when placing corals an you do it by free hand and set them in any place or how do you have to do this...


It really depends on what you get. For the most part though people wedge, place, glue, or tie corals into place. Within a few days, they will attatch to the rock. Most SPS corals need to be glued or wedged. Also if you get an anemone, dont do anything to it, he will move on its own, and will pick a spot it likes. If you do a search on the subject you will find a little more info.


Active Member
QT is always a good idea, that way you have a chance to look over the piece. I know some SPS corals carry "fleas" Zoos have zoo eating nudibranchs and Im sure there are TONS more little bugs you wouldnt want to introduce into your main tank.
There are special epoxys made for frags. I prefer to stuff them in a hole and attach on their own.


ill try to set up a Qt tank or ill just limit my corrals cause im only 13 and i cant get a job anywhere so i dont have lots of money


I use superglue. Regular ol' superglue.
And you can "dip" them instead of QT them. I dip mine in a Kent's product called Tech-D then into a flatworm exit. Then into the main tank.


I got mine from my LFS but there are a lot of online vendors that sell it for $6.95. Get the smallest bottle, that stuff lasts forever!!
Put Kent Marine in your search engine and you will find vendors that way. The actual Kent Marine sight doesn't mention it so don't waste your time there!!


so where do you put it in to dip it and so forth. How does the dip process work and how much tech-d do you use?


So I bring my new coral home. I get 2 plastic mixing bowls. The same size as the ones your mom would use to mix a cake. I fill one half way, and the other all the way with tank water.
In the first one I have about 1/2 gallon so I add 3 teaspoons of tech d. (it's one per quart, after I add the fish stores water I'll have approx 3 qts) Add coral and the water from the bag, let it sit for 7 minutes. then I add 1 drop of flatworm exit to the other bowl stir and add only the coral, not the watewr from the other bowl. I shoot it with a turkey baster to remove any hidden flatworms (if there are any) and after about 5 minutes I put it in my display tank.:)
In the following thread, if you scroll past the pics of corals, I have some pics of a frogspawn soaking in flatworm exit.