

Active Member
i was wanting some ideas of what to put in my 20gal tank for corals... they cant be to light needing i have a 130w 50/50 pc... have 20lbs of lr and 30lbs of ls... any and all ideas welcome... i would like something that adds some color... plus if there is anything i need to know about the suggestions let me know... thank you all... pics would be great....


I would look at muchrooms and polyps and possible ricordeas really depends on how much you want to spend.


Active Member
no anemones, you can keep : shrooms, anthelia, xenia, zoos, ricordia, leathers, forgspawns, torches, hammers, brains, candycanes, blastos, etc. (all softies, and most LPS)


Active Member
thanks for all the suggestions i will have to find some time to go get a couple of things...


Active Member
well i made time to go to the lfs... i got a hammer and am acclimating it now... im concerned though because this site says i need strong lighting... is this a problem/???


Active Member
its about 1.5 inches below the water.. has been in the tank for over an hour and hasnt opened any... should i be concerned??? also, when i was leaving the store the bag broke and it fell on the floor... the guy looked at it and said it was fine but now that i have it out i found that one of the conners were broke... what should i do???


Active Member
its been about 2hrs now and still nothing... what should i do??? should i leave the lights on over night???


just keep your lights on the normal schedule. You just got it today. keep it out of strong water flow and you probably dont need it that high in the tank. It is stressed but should be ok can you post a pic that would help to.


Active Member
this is as good as it gets with my camera... hope this helps... i looks almost dead to me...



does it look better today. The pic is not good but from it the coral looks like it is super stressed. try spot feeding it some dt or something maybe it will bring it out.


Active Member
what is dt??? i will try feeding him... he looks a little better but still not expanded a whole lot... and hes probably stressed from hitting the floor... that pi$$e$ me off so bad... y would you put a wet plastic bag in a paper one???

mandarin w

Maybe the hammer is too high in the tank, Try putting it towards to middle. And they like good flow. not in the middle of a whirl wind, and but a good water movement. Sometimes corals just need time to adjust, give it a few days.
But just to be sure it is not over stressed because of something in the tank, what are your water levels? and Salinity. temp. Something maybe just a little out of whack and upsetting it.


Active Member
levels (these are the only tests i have)
trates-5-10 (cant tell difference between colors on card)
trites- 0
amm- 0
ph- 8.2-8.4
temp- 80
sg 1.023
he is about half open now... i moved him to the middle of the tank this morning and he is under the filter (about 6" below so the flow isnt to strong)... he is getting there so im going to just wait it out and see...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
Some people aren't to bright. Dt's is a brand of food. IMO it is the best phyotoplanken out there.
i really dont understand why some people have to be {edit language}
:happyfish thanks to all the people that have helped me... i picked up some dt tonight and will start using that... thanks again... :happyfish