corel banded shrimp


New Member
I have a corel banded shrimp is it normal for them to kill your fish, or is he playing? I feed him shrimp daily. He recently killed a damsel, and now my tang. or is it a teritorial thing?


New Member
correction yes it is a mantis. he is getting pretty large i think it might be time for him to go. but he is an iteresting creature but killin.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are. But they are nasty little suckers. If u wana keep it. Put it in a smaller tank. They don't need a ton of room.


If it is a Mantis then yes it is perfectly normal. There are a lot of Mantis Shrimp videos on youtube.


Active Member
Pretty cool how strong their punch is. If it were the size of Tyson it would kill every human it hit. I mean serious damage.