Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You're giving sound, useful advice. That's what really matters....
I agree Thanks soo much one more question can i leave the lights on or does that promote it too grow Thanks one more time.
The nicest thing for that are the powerstips with the timers on them. I think i have coralife's. It has 4 deticated outlets and then 4 that run off the timer. But they alternate. So when 2 are off the other 2 are on and vice versa. Which is really nice when you get some moon lights which i recommend eventually. It helps with their lunar cycle AND you get to watch your tank at night. It's the kewlest night light I'VE ever seen.
Originally Posted by mwaraxa
The nicest thing for that are the powerstips with the timers on them. I think i have coralife's. It has 4 deticated outlets and then 4 that run off the timer. But they alternate. So when 2 are off the other 2 are on and vice versa. Which is really nice when you get some moon lights which i recommend eventually. It helps with their lunar cycle AND you get to watch your tank at night. It's the kewlest night light I'VE ever seen.
i have them know i dont have the powerstrip yet but it looks cool Thanks all