Corraline Algae Question


Here's the scoop, I want my live rock to be covered with corraline algae. How do I do it? I have a 46 gallon bowfront with approxiamately 40-50 lbs of live rock. I am running a Fluval 304 filter Lee's (cheap) protein skimmer and couple of powerheads. Nothing fancy. I have heard to adding calicium will help corraline aglae grow faster. Will lighting help? I have a two bulb stock all galss flourescent light. The lights inside are a Power-GLO and a stock bulb. Should I replace the stock bulb with another Power GLO? Any suggestions would be appreciated also tell me brand names of items that you use.


Active Member
I'm not sure about lighting being all that important. But you do need to keep up the calcium levels. Shoot for 400 - 500 ppm.


good water flow will also help, the use of powerheads to spread the corraline around.


I would do a search for coralline algae. I know there has been a TON of posts on this topic.
Your alkalinity level is important as well. I don't know too much about this, since I am a newbie. Search the posts, you will find the info you need.


Another good way is to by Reef Vital DNA. Its a good supplement. I started to see a bloom in a week.


I was in the same boat until recently. I really started monitoring my calcium levels and keeping them around 400-450. I also went to all 50/50 light. BOOM!!! In three weeks I had coraline all over my glass and base rock. I really think it was mostly the calcium and partly the actinic blue in the 50/50 light.


Active Member
I have been successful in the last couple of weeks with using a nail file. If you get a piece of rock with good coraline growth on it, file off little bits of it over top of other rocks with the filters and powerheads off. Leave the powerheads off for about 15-30 minutes and let the coraline settle on the other rocks. I have seen coraline start to grow on the "seeded" rocks in just a few days.


Don't forget about alkalinity, if your gonna be adding all of this calcium, your gonna want to add something like reef builder as well.