Corraline on back glass as background

How many of you let the corraline algea build up on the back of the glass in your tank and just use that to serve as your background? I would love to see pics if anyone has some. Thanks.


I'm letting mine build up. I'll eventually be covered by the corals in front and by the LR. I only remove it if it's on the front or side glass. HTH


Active Member
I let mine build up. Coraline love actinics, if you want it to florish on the back, put your actinic's in the rear.


here's a pic of some green coralline i got on my glass. got a couple spots of purple, but not like the green..

can't wait til it's all covered! :D
Actinics in the rear, huh? I thought you were supposed to evenly distribute the light as best you could across the tank. Does this not have much effect on that? Thanks for the replies everyone.


Active Member
Here's a pic of my old 55 tank from last year.
I've converted it over to a freshwater tank now, and have 75 as my reef tank.
The coralline in the 75 is just getting started now after 4 months of set up.
I still use a black background - but love good coralline growth on the back glass.


i have a background....but am letting the coralline grow also. tank has been setup since late are some shots:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
(lycos isn't letting me link at the moment, so you'll have to click the link)
those are older pics also. about a month to two months old. the coralline is REALLY taking off now, since the addition of my halides.