

The only thing I can think of then is lighting. Maybe your current lighting is not enough for it to grow. Coraline needs 3 thing; good circulation, high Ca, and good lighting.


It wouldn't hurt to keep them on about 8 hours, although longer photoperiod is not a substitute for poor lighting, not saying there is anything wrong with your PCs. What do you do to maintain your Ca levels?? Do you have rock with coraline on it to seed the rest of the tank?


New Member
i put raises calcium by seachem two times a week i just got a calcium test kit about a week ago and it was the first time that i look at my CA levelsand i did not know that they were as high as they are.


Get a good rock with a bunch on it and put a powerhead shooting right across it. That's how I got mine to spread like mad.

nm reef

Active Member
I don't think lighting actually is a major concern for coraline(my fish only has 70 watts of NO lighting and coraline is spreading like crazy)....they keys I believe are ....
A quality source of coraline(LR)
A stable/mature system
Consistant levels of calcium/alkalinity/ph
I know it doesn't help you much but I have sheets of coraline falling off the walls of my rubber maid refugiums...sometimes I'll crumble them up and let them distribute thru the system to increase growth....even gave a bunch away to a fellow local reefer.:cool:

reef fool

Active Member
Your calcium IMO is a little high for the fish. 400-450max ppm. Higher calcium stresses them out. For coraline algae, you need a good balance of calcium,alkalinity,PH and proper lighting. I had all of the rest and added proper lighting for an explosion of coraline. Also low phosphates are important.