Cortez Anglefish


Anyone have one of these guys? The place I purchase most of my fish from had one that looked awesome so I pickedit up yesterday. Its doing great and eating well already by this morning. I looked on the SWF site but didnt see any infromation about this fish. Anything I should know? Currently its about 4 1/2" and in the juvenile coloration.

michelle l

I have one. What is it that you'd like to know? Mine rules the tank, and is almost like a dog in the water LOL! He's a juvenile and is about 3 1/2 inches long. He tends to be pretty aggressive with any new fish although he typically stops bothering them after a day or so, with the exception to my flame angel. It took them a long time to work things out, and really it didn't become peaceful between them until the Cortez grew bigger than the flame. I purchased a very large yellow tang last week and the Cortez kept trying to be "rulin' fish" with the tang for the first day or so. It looked so funny to see the small Cortez trying to bully the much-larger Tang. Finally I saw the tang take a swat at Cortez with his tail and everything was peaceful after that.
Mine eats anything I feed it. I mean, literally. He will bite me if I don't have anything in my fingers.
I have noticed that mine is sensitive and any variations in water temps will trigger ich on him (he had it once and I almost lost him), so I am very careful to keep my water temps stable. When he's stressed, his skin will develop pale spots that really resemble the beginnings of HLLE but they vanish overnight. It's really strange and I haven't figured it out, but I think it's almost like how we humans get a sore throat before we come down with a cold. I consider it a warning that he's not feeling 100%. I've seen him display these symptoms before I started using vitamins on his food and after I moved and the temps fluctuated in the tank. Otherwise, activity in the tank, like moving rocks and such, doesn't bother him.
To keep mine in top condition, I always soak his food in vitamins without fail. It seems to have made a huge difference in his resistance to disease. I use Zoe, Zoecon, and Selcon every day. I also sometimes use Garlic Extreme, but not often because it seems to be so strong that it freaks the fish out if you use too much.
I use a large variety of food and he loves ALL of it. I feed:
Formula 1 & 2 (Ocean Nutrition)
Prime Reef (Ocean Nutrition)
Angel Formula (Ocean Nutrition)
Brine shrimp enriched with Spirulina
Tetra Marine flake
Formula Two Pellets (Ocean Nutrition)
Spectrum Pellets (New life)
Dried algae Sheets- Red and Green (Seaweed Selects)
He eats so much that his little tummy bulges. It's really pretty funny looking. He is so outgoing and friendly that I will go to the glass to try to see something in the tank, and he gets right in front of my face so that I can't see past him. He's a real "Me! Me! Me!" fish. He's my favorite fish out off all of them in the tank.


on top of what you were suppose to feed it the most important is feeding it food with sponge in it. i feed my queen angel hikari mega angel food(has sponge in it) on top of mysis shrimp, formula 2, nori strips, and the occasional brine w/spirulina.

michelle l

Agreed. The Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula that I use has sponge in it, and my Cortez loves it, as do all of the fish in the tank. I am pretty sure that most formulas created for Angels has sponge, but check to be sure.


Originally Posted by Michelle L
Agreed. The Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula that I use has sponge in it, and my Cortez loves it, as do all of the fish in the tank. I am pretty sure that most formulas created for Angels has sponge, but check to be sure.
is the ocean nutrition angel formula you use in a gel like cube. i remember trying something like that i think. how do you break it up if it is in a gelatin like frozen cube.

michelle l

Well, it's not really gelatin, but it is rubbery feeling. I let it thaw in a little cup with the vitamins on it, and then I take a spoon and smash it up into a mush when it gets soft. I don't pulverize it, I just make sure to mash it up into bite-sized pieces for them. Then I take the spoon and place it in the tank a little at a time so that the fish can eat it as it drops in. I like to feed it to inverts by hand too because I can cut off bigger pieces with the edge of the spoon and give it to them, and they can hang on to it because it's sort of chewy.
What kind of food is the Hikari Mega Angel Food? I haven't heard of it and I'd like to try that too.


yeah that stuff is a pain, i have that and i have only used 3 cubes for about a year. if you use the hikari mega angel food it's much easier. i think u'd like it better.

michelle l

What type of food is it? Frozen, pellet, etc.? The more variety of food I give 'em, the better (my angel eats it all)!!!

michelle l

Hey, cool, I'll see if I can find some at a nearby LFS. Thanks for the tip!
Sorry to have hijacked the thread........