cost for nano


New Member
how much would 15 gallon nano for 2 clownfish with whisper filter and protien skimmer and all other essential equipment probably cost?


yikes salty
you got a good deal :p
i'd say more like 300-400


look on forum boards in the classifieds for equip... instead of buying from LFS's


Again not to bust bubbles or anything, but please dont skimp on equipment, for your saltwater fish, If you cant afford it dont try it. The cost to properly keeping a 15 gal is around 300.00 to 600.00 depending on how you set up. There is no really cheap way to do this. Again not trying to be mean or bust the bubbles. Just being practical and IMO.
Many people will argue this but is it worth losing money trying to do this cheap??? Do it right the first time and make yourself happy and your fish too. Have fun, but be pratical.


Active Member
I agree with salty, $200 sounds about right for a FOWLR.
15g AGA--$15
LR + LS = No Skimmer
NO Lights--$40
Remaining $20--salt for a couple of months


New Member
I've got over $400 in my 20 gallon setup. Thats everything like corals, fish, inverts...etc. I even got some good deals, like cured live rock for $4 a lbs, no shipping. Got a 2 month old coralife 130 watt light for $60. Nanos arent cheap.


so far for my 20 gallon, this is just a rough estimate
100 for tank and stand
110 for 130 watt light used on here
20 for hob filter
10 on carbon pads
20 on sand
130 on 20lbs of liverock i have about 26lbs total now
30 on powerheads
probably 150 on fish corals and inverts so far
gonna get a protein skimmer soon, so probably like 650 total so far.... but if i hadnt of spent it on this i woulda spent it on beer and other non legal recreational activities that make me hungry then i buy muchies....
its a good healthy investment that gives you enjoyment


Here's what my 10 gallon cost me:
10 gallon tank--> $10.00 (Walmart)
stand--> $25.00 (Walmart)
20lbs live sand--> $20.00 (LFS)
20lbs live rock (figi & tonga) --> $125.00 (LFS)
72watts lighting --> $89.00 (LFS)
10 gallon HOB filter --> $12.00 (Walmart)
2 powerheads, one rotating, one not --> $30.00 (LFS)
tank heater --> $15.00 (Walmart)
Percula clown --> $14.00 (LFS)
Royal Gramma --> $15.00 (LFS)
Various corals from frag auction --> $90.00
Various inverts,....crabs, snails, shrimp, starfish.....--> $50.00
20lbs bag of salt --> $25.00
Grand total of about $520.00. I guess you can skip out on some corals and inverts, but definitely don't skip out on your cleaning crew! Have fun! And like GFK says, "Its a good healthy investment that gives you enjoyment." And it'll keep you out of trouble.


I think the important thing to remember is all the little odds and ends that don't get factored into many of the nano equations that you hear about. IE: if these guys have an esisting tank, things like RODI units, Refractometers, test kits, magnet scrapers, etc are all things that they can just use from their main display.
If it's your ONLY tank - I'd say $200 is probably not gonna cut it.. Hell, $200 might get you the 4 things I listed above... :)
Now if you're basically adding a tank and you have all the other stuff - $200 is doable. Im planning on getting my 2 gallon set up for under 100. (basically because I have the lighting/pumps/etc already sitting around.
Good luck with it. But really, if $300 was a shock you probably wanna go freshwater for now. There's always time to go back.