Cost of lighting.

Just wondering, what is the most long term least expensive way to light? Bulbs, electrical bill, lifetime of fixture ect. Just your opinions, I know it all depends on tank size and critters, but without those variables. And, no I will not put my tank on a cart and haul it out into the sun every day! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
the cheapest way to do lighting is to do it yourself. find a good electrical supply store and find out what you need. they will also give you wiring diagrams if you need them. then build your own hood. i made mine for like ten bucks. all together, my hood with lights on my 29 gallon was 150 bucks! it has 2 55 watt pc's, and 2 20 watt actinics. it also has a 3 inch computer fan that is wired into the actinic ballast. i got that at radio shack for like 8 bucks.


Active Member
In my opinion VHO's are the way to go. If ran off a good electronic ballest the bulbs can replaced onece a year and they cost less than PC's. I'm not a technical guy and can't get into all that. But VHO's are a stronger wattage and there actnic lights are much nicer than PC's.
LOTR has a good point as well. You can DIY and save alot of money and still accomplish what you want.


I agree with Predator I have both PC's and Icecap VHO's. The Icecap VHO's are easer on your electric bill and make more light than PC's. The only draw back is that the bulbs need to be replaced more offen then Pc's but VHO bulbs cost cost alittle less.


New Member
I also have a 29G that I'm looking to upgrade the lighting. If it's not too much trouble, could you post or e-mail some of the specifics of your tank and lighting plans?? I checked out your pics. Nice tank