cottony growth on sandbed


We have a strange white cottony growth on our sandbed it kinda looks like spiderwebbing any ideas on what this might be?


Active Member
Is it everywhere, or just in isolated spots?
I had something similar that had a red center. It was only in a couple spots and I later found out that it was a clutch of snail eggs!


i think they are sanil eggs.....they were all over my tank,glass,LRs everwhere.....i think that they go crazy in their mating season or something......


pretty sure it isn't snail eggs since we have no snails in the tank and this is a fish only tank. another guy said that it might just be an algea type that was growing from extra food not getting taken out


Active Member
Do you have any LR in your tank? If you do, then I will bet that you have snails. I had my snail eggs during my cycle, before any livestock was added. the snails that reproduced were hitchikers on my LR. IDK, just a thought. if you figure it out though, let us know!:D


a guy i have been talking to said what it probably is is a funky white algae that comes from too much food decaying cause our blue hamlet is hiding food in his cave and it is decaying and washing out into the tank and growing this stuff