could anyone post pic of colorful fish


im gonna get another fish soon but i want it to be really colorful. can anyone post pics of really colorful fish that would fit in a 90. i have a yellow tang, gsm clown, gold face sleeper goby, orange diamond sleeper, and a hawkfish


I'm sure there are others with a lot of color but the Royal Grammas are very colorful. This is not the best picture but notice the combination of yellow, purple (it really is but the lighting in this picture makes it look pinkish), and blue with the black at the eyes.

sea goblin

I think the emperor angel is gonna get too big for a 90, best to stick with a pygme angel in that size tank.
Sea Goblin


Active Member
Agree that emperor too big for 90. Would recommend a dwarf angel ( coral beauty my pick) and a royal gramma and call it a day. Good luck.

melissa v.

i had that same fish and i had to take him to the local fish store and trade him ( i called him the devel fish) he would chase any fish i put in my tank and try to take off whole fins, do you have any probs with yours?
Melissa V.


My melanarous wrasse was about 2 1/2 inches when I got him. He's about 5 inches now. Hoping he doesn't grow any more.
He's a very easy keeper. Eats anything and everything I offer. Does not pick on the corals or the inverts and gets along with all the fish. You need a DSB because he buries himself at night. Same spot, same time, every night.
I think I paid about $30-$40 for him.
When I first got him I thought I was going to lose him because he developed this big lump on his side, it made him all bent! I thought he was a gonner, but he survived whatever that was and has thrived.



Originally posted by melissa v.
i had that same fish and i had to take him to the local fish store and trade him ( i called him the devel fish) he would chase any fish i put in my tank and try to take off whole fins, do you have any probs with yours?
Melissa V.

A few months ago I had thought about getting this fish but saw one at LFS that seemed very mean. It would open its mouth when a fish came near it, like it was going to attack. I read recently that this is their defense mechanism but that they weren't very mean. I haven't seen this one do it to any of its tankmates, at least not so far. I really like to watch it.
This is one of my FAVORITE fishies... The PIC doesnt do him justice....But here she is! She is BRIGHT NEON PINK with a very deep PURPLE SQUARE right in the middle of her and her fins are spottd with green blue and tellow.. she is an awesome fish that stays out in the middle of the tank so you can always see her...