Could I do this?

matt b

Active Member
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Originally Posted by Lysol
You could quarantine it in a 29 gallon.
Absolutely! When you get the bigger tank keep the 29 for the qt. You will need one anyway and this tank would be perfect for it. As Ophiura pointed out, if there were no other fish in the tank then you would be able to keep a YT in there, but you have fish. No other tang is going to work in there right now. Even a Kole would not work in there. You are at max now. Wait until the larger tank is set up and ready, then get the fish of your dreams


ok so i know the whole no tang in a tank smaller then the 6 foot rule! great got it so lets say i have a 12 foot dt! perfect right! and i'm all ready to go crazy w/ tangs but now i have to put them in qt for 4 weeks or what ever ! does that mean i have to go out and buy another 6 foot or larger tank to QT the or heck even a 55 or a 75
!!! from what the tang police say you cant even have a 1 inch in anything that small for any period of time! so how the heck do you qt them!
just something i was thinking about! flame away!
--->goes and puts on flame suit!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
ok so i know the whole no tang in a tank smaller then the 6 foot rule! great got it so lets say i have a 12 foot dt! perfect right! and i'm all ready to go crazy w/ tangs but now i have to put them in qt for 4 weeks or what ever ! does that mean i have to go out and buy another 6 foot or larger tank to QT the or heck even a 55 or a 75
!!! from what the tang police say you cant even have a 1 inch in anything that small for any period of time! so how the heck do you qt them!
just something i was thinking about! flame away!
--->goes and puts on flame suit!
I have mine in QT for ich with 4 other fish in a 29.

My hippo is only 1.5 inches tho. But when they go into my 180 I'll be using the 29 to QT all incoming tangs, since that's all I'm going to add to the 180, aside from maybe a small 3-fish school of anthias...
Of course, when you QT incoming fish, you should only do 1 fish at a time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
ok so i know the whole no tang in a tank smaller then the 6 foot rule! great got it so lets say i have a 12 foot dt! perfect right! and i'm all ready to go crazy w/ tangs but now i have to put them in qt for 4 weeks or what ever ! does that mean i have to go out and buy another 6 foot or larger tank to QT the or heck even a 55 or a 75
!!! from what the tang police say you cant even have a 1 inch in anything that small for any period of time! so how the heck do you qt them!
just something i was thinking about! flame away!
--->goes and puts on flame suit!
Obviously there is a difference between a fish spending 4 weeks in a QT tank...


Active Member
Ok thank guys. When i get my larger tank ill keep my 29 for a QT.
In other news, picked up a sixline wrasse for the 29


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Ok thank guys. When i get my larger tank ill keep my 29 for a QT.
In other news, picked up a sixline wrasse for the 29

That's cool, I have one in my 20L frag tank and it's actually turned out to be my favorite fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
That's cool, I have one in my 20L frag tank and it's actually turned out to be my favorite fish.

Yeah I had 1 before and liked it so I got another 1. I didnt see him eat the flake food but I think he is eating the aglae sheets, still alittle she


Originally Posted by bjoe23
Yeah I had 1 before and liked it so I got another 1. I didnt see him eat the flake food but I think he is eating the aglae sheets, still alittle she
Start getting away from flakes. Fish enjoy, and get much more nutrition, from frozen or home made foods. New fish don't know what flakes are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Start getting away from flakes. Fish enjoy, and get much more nutrition, from frozen or home made foods. New fish don't know what flakes are.
My LFS fed him flakes, I asked so i knew what he ate. Ill try mysis today!


Active Member
once your fish get big enough a 29g wont be big enough for a QT or a HT.
I have a 30 and a 55g tank for QT and they are no where near big enough for just my tangs. I am currently looking at getting a 125 for QT!
When people say tangs grow fast they are not kidding. My hippo was 4" when I bought her. She is now 8.5+ and growing everyday. IMHO she needs bigger than my 180 (my 375+ is on its way). Now I am 100% possitive that I will be upgrading...
I would say, if you have the larger tank in the works (100+) then go for the 1" tang, if not, then dont even think about it.


Active Member
Ok, thanks for the info, looking at tanks that i might upgrade too, either 75, 90 or 125 so far. Front runner looks to be 90 though