Could i mix a Blue tang with a Maroon?


i was planning on getting a fish that would be able to stand up to the agression of my maroon, and i was looking at tangs, between a yellow and blue one, i really like the blue ones though. Would u guys recommend it to mix with my maroon in a reef tank. she is pretty terretorial and aggressive


Active Member
Wait until the upgrade. Don't place any tang in a 30 gallon. Even the small ones need space and stressing them at that size will give you problems. On the chance the upgrade doesn't materialize (and many of them don't for any number of reasons) then the fish suffers.


New Member
I have a blue and yellow tang with a maroon.They get along just fine.
But,for sure wait for the upgrade. :yes:


Active Member
IMO the 30 is barely large enough for your Maroon. They are the bigest and meanest of the clowns and it probly dosent even like it when you get to close to the tank. If its hosting a coral or anemone then there even worst. Any fish lpace in there would be a death sentance due to the stress of haveing to hide from the clown, espc. a tang , espc. a blue tang.