Hi everyone
I have a 24 gallon aquapod with Metal Halide lights that is home to two B&W saddlebacks, a few sexy shrimp, and a few corals. I haven't added anything to my tank in a really long time, and would like to add a few simple (i.e. easy corals). I refuse to add anything without quarantining it for 6 weeks, so I was thinking that maybe I could get a hang-in-tank refugium with no holes drilled in it (i.e keep the water in it separate from the water in my tank), but it could be partially submerged in my tank, thus being temperature regulated by the surrounding display water and also receiving lighting from my metal halide tank. That way, I could add a few small things at a time (like some mushrooms or zoas), do small partial water changes on the refugium, but it would be separated from my main display yet still temperature regulated and with quality light.
Do you think it would work? Any advice, and inputs would be appreciated.
I have a 24 gallon aquapod with Metal Halide lights that is home to two B&W saddlebacks, a few sexy shrimp, and a few corals. I haven't added anything to my tank in a really long time, and would like to add a few simple (i.e. easy corals). I refuse to add anything without quarantining it for 6 weeks, so I was thinking that maybe I could get a hang-in-tank refugium with no holes drilled in it (i.e keep the water in it separate from the water in my tank), but it could be partially submerged in my tank, thus being temperature regulated by the surrounding display water and also receiving lighting from my metal halide tank. That way, I could add a few small things at a time (like some mushrooms or zoas), do small partial water changes on the refugium, but it would be separated from my main display yet still temperature regulated and with quality light.
Do you think it would work? Any advice, and inputs would be appreciated.