Could my Ocellaris be sick?


Active Member
16 gallon, new aquarium, pruchased pair of false prec's 3 weeks ago (tank raised) from LFS. Hermits and one emerald also in tank with 23 lbs live rock. Some inverts added 1 week ago.
Temp- 80
SG- 1.024
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- <10
Alk 5.0
pH 8.2
Clowns showing no signs of illness- eating well, breathing normally, swimming through out tank etc.
One of my clowns has numerous small white spots just below his dorsal fin region. They are barely visible- only noticible upon very close inspection. I noticed them 2 days ago and there has been no change in that time. May have been there prior and went unnoticed. Also they only seem to be visible when at an angle to the aquarium lighting. Does not resemble ich at this timeor any other pics posted in the disease pic reference in this forum.
Any ideas of what this could be? I am not sure if I am just being paranoid or if this is the beginning of something worse to come. Any input would be appreciated.


Active Member
I did- does not resemble ich or any other photos of disease. Not salt like....almost like faint small whiteheads. Very hard to describe, but I am trying. :notsure:


Active Member
I thought about trying, but I honestly don't know if it would show. I will go up with my camcorder ans see if it is visible


Staff member
Try looking at the fish through a magnifying glass and see if you can see more spots, particularly on the fins or body.


Active Member
I thought of doin that earlier but don't have a magnifying glass. I will have to look for one and check. In your opinion if this was marine velvet would the fish be displaying other signs of illness such as lethargy and rapid breathing?


Staff member
If it was marine velvet, the fish would be dead by now. With velvet, you would get swollen gills and very rapid gilling. Fish do not last long once velvet becomes visible. It is likely a mild case of ich.


Staff member
I am not saying that there is not a problem...but that it is just not velvet. I am thinking ich. Take a look at the bannerfish with Lymphocyctis. Does it look like that?


Active Member
Beth- I looked at that thread before posting last night and nothing resembles what I am seeing. Still no change today....... I am watching him closely. Could it be mucous related? If fish had pores I would say it looks like opaque pores that can only be seen at the right angle under light. Still not resembling ich at this time- but like you said maybe it is just in the early stages. :confused: