Could my red brittlestar be the culprit?


New Member
I have a red brittlestar about 10" across. I have eggcrate on the top of the tank. I also have about 90lbs. of live rock...plenty of hiding my tank (55g). i haven't seen my longnose hawkfish (Napkin) in about a week. :( I don't have anything else that would have eaten him, all my inhabitants are peaceful, and can't find him anywhere outside the tank (on the floor, in sump etc.) Could he be hiding for this long? He usually is right out in front with his friends, he is one of my favorite fish. Should I wait? I'd hate to tear up my tank looking for him. Any ideas? Thanks.


Active Member
Anything is possible but I consider it relatively unlikely.
What did you feed your brittlestar?


New Member
The brittlestar eats mostly krill and mysis (spot fed)...he has chased after pieces of silversides, brine shrimp and even frozen formula two, oh yea... and I soak in garlic. He comes out and sticks his arm up the baster every time I feed, no matter what it is's highly entertaining. I feed the tank every other day, there is NEVER extra food laying around and I don't see much fish waste. (at least not for long) Should I be feeding him something special? Thanks O. BTW i still haven't seen my longnose hawk. :(