Could not answer


I couldn’t answer my questions so I need you guys help.
Well, a stressed fish will cause ich. Correct? I believe so.
To avoid ich in the DT, a new fish need to be QT before introduced to the DT. Correct? Yes.
Will a new fish or a QT fish be stressed when introduced to the DT? Yes. So, what’s the main point of the QT?


This is how I read it so please correct me if I am wrong.
Stressed fish wont cause ICK.It would most likely get Ick if it is stressed out and Ick is in the tank. Ick can live in he tank for 4 weeks.If you buy a fish it could carry Ick and if there are any stressed out fish in your tank, boom.It will get it.It is very hard to get rid of when you have inverts in your tank.The best way is hypo treatment but that means you have to break down your tank.Good luck


To tell you the truth their scientific logic is correct on the ich topic with they way that the cycle of ich works and everything... And just ebout every new tang i have added to my tank has developed ich in the past. And in my experience as long as the fish is eating well i put garlic in his food and they get rid of the ich on their own. I have seen worse case scenarios where it has spread throughout the tank but its not often as the fish in the tank arent stressed and have a good immune system already in place.


Matter of fact,I have Ick in my tank now for a few months.What keeps happening is usually one fish will catch it and then drop the eggs and they will reproduce.I cant break down my tank right now so I am living with it.I feed my fish fresh garlic pieces.It works.The next day Ick falls off the fish but it is still in the tank waiting for a new fish to host it's eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by molly05
I couldn’t answer my questions so I need you guys help.
Well, a stressed fish will cause ich. Correct? I believe so.
To avoid ich in the DT, a new fish need to be QT before introduced to the DT. Correct? Yes.
Will a new fish or a QT fish be stressed when introduced to the DT? Yes. So, what’s the main point of the QT?

Hello Molly,
A stressed fish does not cause ich. A stressed fish is commonly immuno-suppressed which allows the ich to attack it.
The point of using a QT tank is to NEVER allow ich (and other diseases and parasites) into the tank.


OK. I got it. Here is my plan
Leave LS in DT and buy 2 more fish I want and put them in the DT. Next day, remove LR, pour some Ammo lock to avoid ammonia spike and do hypo for 3-4 wks, and then bring the salinity back to normal. No more additional fish after that.
Current stock in 110g
1 sailin tang 3”
1 maroon 2”
1 yellowpeel angel 3”
1 clown trigger 3”
1 pearlyscale butterfly 3”
2 blue chromis 1”
1 blue tang 1”
Plan to buy
1 longfin bannerfish
1 purple tang or power blue tang or flame angel
Water parameters
Sal 1.024
Temp 79-80
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
pH 8.2
1. Is it OK for me to leave LS in DT and pour ammo lock?
2. Does my wish fish list work out with my current fish?
3. Is it too many fish in this 110g?
Thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by molly05
OK. I got it. Here is my plan
Leave LS in DT and buy 2 more fish I want and put them in the DT. Next day, remove LR, pour some Ammo lock to avoid ammonia spike and do hypo for 3-4 wks, and then bring the salinity back to normal. No more additional fish after that.
Current stock in 110g
1 sailin tang 3”
1 maroon 2”
1 yellowpeel angel 3”
1 clown trigger 3”
1 pearlyscale butterfly 3”
2 blue chromis 1”
1 blue tang 1”
Plan to buy
1 longfin bannerfish
1 purple tang or power blue tang or flame angel
Water parameters
Sal 1.024
Temp 79-80
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
pH 8.2
1. Is it OK for me to leave LS in DT and pour ammo lock?
2. Does my wish fish list work out with my current fish?
3. Is it too many fish in this 110g?
Thanks in advance.
You are at stock max if not over now. Sailfin tangs grow to 14" Maroon clowns grow to 6"and are quite agressive,Pearlscale butterflys are finicky eaters and also grow quite large, What do you mean by a blue tang????? What do you want to add amo lock for exactly? Is this tank cycled? How long has it been set up. You NEED a qt. If you don't have one and buy more fish then you will unfortunately find out the hard way that you need to qt all new fish for at least 4 weeks. Never put chemicals into the display....No ammolock!


Active Member
Alright, it is a VERY good idea to QT a fish before added to your DT/MT. If you add a new fish to your DT/MT and he develops ich there's a very good chance it can infect your other fish. If you QT your fish, you should perform hypo so any disease is hopefully erradicated. So when you add you fish from QT to DT the stress is less then being bagged and transported to your house. There will be less chance of an infection of ich or other parasites to your DT when your new additions are QTed.


I am not to sure about ammo lock never used it but I would have to say DONT use it most chemicals will stay in the tank and can cause major problems later.
something dont sound right with your plan though just cant put my finger on it.
I would feed with garlic soaked foods to build their immune system up and try to get them more healthy moving them and disrupting the tank the way you suggest I can about garantee that you will loose something out your stocking list. also I wouldnt add anything till you get it takin care of or you chance loosing them too. but I wouldnt add anyhting with what you have though.
your stocking list of tangs along kinda worries me because as they establish territory they will fight it out in the tank. especially if they are like color or body shape and if youve ever been hit by a tang tail its a razor blade the look helpless but beleive me they arent.
next I would invest in a QT because its the only way to keep it out of the display instead of trying to fix it later stop it before it gets in there.
If you are going to do hypo anyway do you have refractometer? you are going to need to keep precise measurements of the SG on a daily baisis 2-3 times is better.
Might want to look at your stocking list though your going to have some small fish with a clown trigger thats on his menu as he gets bigger. aslo even for a 110 you have a lot of big fish. and are overstocked IMO


Originally Posted by seannmelly
Alright, it is a VERY good idea to QT a fish before added to your DT/MT. If you add a new fish to your DT/MT and he develops ich there's a very good chance it can infect your other fish. If you QT your fish, you should perform hypo so any disease is hopefully erradicated. So when you add you fish from QT to DT the stress is less then being bagged and transported to your house. There will be less chance of an infection of ich or other parasites to your DT when your new additions are QTed.
Very correct melly
With all of the other issues I forgot to address the ich one! Ich is a parasite. It usually comes in on new fish. This is the reason to qt your fish. You will be able to spot and treat any illness before it reaches your display. If you do not qt your new fish you will introduce ich into the display. Then the issue of immune systems of your fish come into play. I am telling you now, do yourself and your fish a huge favor and do not place ANY fish that has not been properly quarentined into the display!!!!!


Could you please list your Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, salinity, KH, and temp levels for us. Also how long has this system been set up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Very correct melly
With all of the other issues I forgot to address the ich one! Ich is a parasite. It usually comes in on new fish. This is the reason to qt your fish. You will be able to spot and treat any illness before it reaches your display. If you do not qt your new fish you will introduce ich into the display. Then the issue of immune systems of your fish come into play. I am telling you now, do yourself and your fish a huge favor and do not place ANY fish that has not been properly quarentined into the display!!!!!

thank you for backing me sepultian!! Even though at time it seems pointless to QT a fish, the amount of stress your fish will endure during transport to your house compared to the amount of stress your fish will endure between QT and your DT is almost nil! And thankyou for realizing is me Melly and not Sean!! lol. We confuse alot of people with our name!


Originally Posted by seannmelly
thank you for backing me sepultian!! Even though at time it seems pointless to QT a fish, the amount of stress your fish will endure during transport to your house compared to the amount of stress your fish will endure between QT and your DT is almost nil! And thankyou for realizing is me Melly and not Sean!! lol. We confuse alot of people with our name!
lol actually the first few times I responded after you I called you sean and you corrected me mel!!!! haha Anyway I believe the qt, even if the fish is perfectly healthy, is a nice quiet haven for them to get adjusted to tank life before they are put in with other fish that may pick on them. Even docile tankmates like to pick on the new guy. A QT is definately necessary!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
lol actually the first few times I responded after you I called you sean and you corrected me mel!!!! haha Anyway I believe the qt, even if the fish is perfectly healthy, is a nice quiet haven for them to get adjusted to tank life before they are put in with other fish that may pick on them. Even docile tankmates like to pick on the new guy. A QT is definately necessary!!!
hehe it's easily to get confused by the name. That's why under the user name it says reefcouple. But still reefcouple is a litte ambiguous and not many people see that! But I totally agree w/ you on the QT. If you have it, definately do it!!


Originally Posted by seannmelly
hehe it's easily to get confused by the name. That's why under the user name it says reefcouple. But still reefcouple is a litte ambiguous and not many people see that! But I totally agree w/ you on the QT. If you have it, definately do it!!