Could this be Bubble reserection?


Could this possibly be my poor old beloved bubble coming back to life??????? Oh please, Oh please??


The pic is too zoomed out to tell. I've heard that sometimes if there is just a little bit of the flesh still living that it can regenerate. I've never personally seen this though.


It Appears To Have One Small Bubble. If This Is A New Bubble, Then It May Be Regeneration, Or Rather An Offspring Th Eoriginal Left Behind To Grow In Its Place. If That Is True It Is A Clone Of The Mother Colony, But It Will Be Long Time Before Any True Growth Is Noticable. Is The Bubble In The Picture A New Bubble, Or A Leftover?


This is the bubble that is the subject of a previous thread titled "Is my bubble really dead?" or something like that.
I was pretty sure I'd killed him somehow but after I did the iodine dip and he fell all apart I put his skeleton back in the tank just in case. A few people had heard of bubbles regenerating. I've been monitoring him and I think tonight the white spot looks like several small bubbles. I'm feeling encouraged about it. This is as close as I can get. Here's tonight's pic:


i purchased a bubble coral that was half dead not even a month ago and it has doubled its it is possible that it will come back.


Originally Posted by CoralDude
The pic is too zoomed out to tell. I've heard that sometimes if there is just a little bit of the flesh still living that it can regenerate. I've never personally seen this though.
i doubt it. Mine was dying once. first, it was just about 25% dead and it seemed as if the dead tissue was infecting the rest of it and within a week it was completely dead. If it comes back, consider yourself LUCKY.


LPS and some SPS corals can regenerate the bubbles are one of these the tissue can go deep in the skeleton and start to come back when conditions are right.
I had an SPS frag that died it was in the tank for about 6 months pure white I put it up high in the tank while moveing things aroung in the tank a few weeks later it was turning brown and polyps started to come out of the skeleton so it is very possible. I never through out coral skeletons for this reason!!!


On close inspection that white spot is definitely a bubble. I'm wondering if I should move it back up closer to the light pc, 4x65) since the mini bubble part is sort of on the down side and about 18 " down. The clown has been a touch destructive recently and has been pushing rocks around and down, including the bubble skeleton.


I say you leave it where it is why change its position? if it starts to decay more i would move it but for now just leave it. it seems like lucks on your side. lol!!!


Active Member
dont move it. the conditions seem right for it to start the long road to recovery. if you mess with it you could finish it off.


The iodine dip was desperation. I was pretty sure my bubble was very close to dead. Could an iodine dip actually disintegrate a bubble? It seemed to me that the dip "washed" off the dead parts and killed off the bad stuff.
In any case he is growing and I'm still nervous about whatever went wrong in the first place, that it will come back. My only sense of calm comes from thinking the iodine dip was helpful, and is the reason he's back.
Am I grossly misinformed? Disillusioned?
I moved him just a little to stablize him, up about 2" and wedged in better. It shouldn't be enough to upset him, I hope. One of the new bubbles is enlarging a little.


i like to think of it like this,If the coral is gonna die from infection its gonna die.No one goes out in the ocean and dips infected peices of coral in iodine lol.Let nature take it course.and btw the bubble most likely got infected from mishandeling or bad tank 2 cents


Originally Posted by mushroomss
i like to think of it like this,If the coral is gonna die from infection its gonna die.No one goes out in the ocean and dips infected peices of coral in iodine lol.Let nature take it course.and btw the bubble most likely got infected from mishandeling or bad tank 2 cents
In nature lots of things happen that I'd prefer to avoid in my tank. Lots of fish & corals die so that a few will live...survival of the fittest. I just want to do anything that will help this bubble coral grow back, even if that is not what would happen in the ocean.


Active Member
I hope it comes back..I can see that you are truly distraught over this...You have posted many topics on this bubble and I am rooting for ya. BUT..I seem to remember a problem with hair algae or something in your tank???? Has that issue been resolved???? All of your levels need to be in check to give this bubble a chance.