Could this be "ICH"


Do you guys think this could be ICH. I'm not sure and I don't want them to die.

There are a few white spots on the body of the tang and the emperor has some on its fin. What do you guys think?


Staff member
I really can't see anything on the pictures. Did you add a fish recently? Do you know what ich looks like? There are several examples posted in the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of the fourm.


New Member
I don't see anything either and I am betting it isn't ich. A couple of questions. Where did you buy the fish? Did you buy them at a lfs or from here, basically wondering if you got them shipped? You may have a parasite in either fish if they were stressed out. You can give them a fresh water bath to check but do it right. If there are parasites the parasites will come right out and u should be able to see them.


Active Member
I don't know if this is ich or lymphocyctis or what, but I beleive I see a small white speck on the emperors pectorial fin.


Thank you all for helping me. I do know how ich looks like. On Sunday I added the Powder Brown Tang. The pbt looked fine that day and the next day, it look like it had little white spots on its body. Now I notice that it has little black spots on its body. The emperor had like 3 little white spots on its fins since i got it. I've had it for about 3weeks now and those spots are still there. They have not multiply, they have always been in the same place. I check my water almost every other day and its fine. I'm asking for your help, and if it is ich, how can I get rid of it:help: Last night I also added a Cleaner Shrimp, so it can help them out. Please advise


New Member
I am betting the fresh water bath will help. The tang is stressed out and probably has a parasite or two inside of him. A fresh water bath will get them out and after he calms down and adjusts to the environment he will be fine. I seriously doubt this is ich. Most people misdiagnose ich. It is a parasite in him or a bacterial infection. Tangs are tough to deal with because or their high stress factor.


Maggot, Can you please explain to me how to do the "Fresh Water Bath"? If you can get to me before the end of the day today, that would be great:joy: I could try it tonight to see if that works. Or you can email me at


New Member
You want to declorinate the fresh water, have the water tempature the same as the tank. Make sure the fish is not already stressed out, for example breathing heavy. The fish may not make it if it is already stressed out. I actually lost a fish doing this because he was already too stressed out but i didnt have any other options.
Put the fish in the water when it is ready. The fish will be shocked but that is ok. Let the fish sit there for three to five minutes. If he isn't moving then just give him a tap. The parasites should come right out. They will be white dots. Mine were kind of big like the size of a pencil tip. If you don't see any then he has a bacterial infection. That can be treated with bacterial medicine at your LFS (Small cheap 10 dollar bottles) Last thing make sure you watch the fish in the tap water because again you don't want him to stress out too much. I think you will be ok. I had one of those tangs and he was pretty active. Then just put him back in your tank. He should do fine in your regular tank because if he doesn't have parasites then most bacterial medicine can be treated in your regular tank plus it would probably be the best for him. Let me know how it turns out.


Active Member
Your emperor might have lymphocyctis. My clown has it, and it sounds similar. Mine still hasn't really multiplied/recessed, just a couple spots on the dorsal fin.


Thanks Maggot. I'll try that tonight. Can someone explain to me what is "lymphocyctis"? I've never heard of that...:confused: How do you treat that or get rid of it? Do I Declorinate the water with AmQuil? and can I use a regular 5 1/2 gallon tank be good for this? Thanks


New Member
If your asking about the fresh water dip then you can use the five gallon tank to do it because the fish won't be swimming around that much. Also declorinate the water and just let it sit for a day and make sure the tempature in there is the same as the tank. Make it less stressful as possible for the fish. Let me know if you find any parasites. Because of the parasites if you find any he may have developed a bacterial infection. If your water quality is good you can see if he will heal on his own or you can go get some medicin for him but i would just see if he could do it on his own. Also if you find parasites on from the fish, chances are your angel has the same thing. Just do the same thing to him. This fresh water bath will work with all parasites including ich, except for their eggs if i am not mistaken. Somebody can help me on that....... Just want you to see that, so u know it may come back but the fish may be able to fight it off the next time.


New Member
so did you ever give the powder brown the fresh water bath? Just wondering how it went since you haven't posted about it.


I actually did on Friday night. It took me a while to catch him but I did. When I did the Fresh Water Bath, I didn't notice any parasites coming out of him, but then again he was moving a lot. When he calm down, I notice this little white round thing on the bottom of the tank. Could that have been the parasite? After the minutes passed I placed him back in the main tank and he looked fine. I also added some "STRESS COAT" on the aquarium. I looked at him all weekend long and he looks fine, he was swimming left and right. I bought some "PRIMAFIX" and also added it to the aquarium incase it had some internal infection. Over all I think he's going to be fine. Thanks MAGGOT


New Member
actually that was perfect. That was what you were looking for. Might I make a suggestion now. Get a couple of cleaner shrimp and he should be healthy for now on.


Maggot, I actually bought a cleaner shrimp last week. I might buy another one this weekend. Thanks for all your help.