Could this work?

j0hn rambo

I'm looking to make my third and final addition to my 125 FOWLR.
Currently I have a X-large Stars and Stripes Puffer and I green bird wrasse.
I would love to get a larger sized angel but have decided to wait until I have a larger aquarium that would be able to house him.
I was thinking of adding some type of tang
-blue hippo,naso, powder blue, or yellow tang
Do you think any one of those would work with my current stock?


Active Member
I give you credit for keeping just 3 large fish in that tank. Many people overstock their tanks, even if they keep large fish.
As to your question, if I were to do a tang with that mix, I'd make it something spectacular like a clown or a sohal. I also think there are angels that would do well in a 125... majestic is probably my favorite and it's large but not a monster. A nice lionfish would be a good addition too... or a nice size eel.
These are the fish I'd consider if that was my tank. Good luck.


Originally Posted by crimzy
I give you credit for keeping just 3 large fish in that tank. Many people overstock their tanks, even if they keep large fish.
As to your question, if I were to do a tang with that mix, I'd make it something spectacular like a clown or a sohal. I also think there are angels that would do well in a 125... majestic is probably my favorite and it's large but not a monster. A nice lionfish would be a good addition too... or a nice size eel.
These are the fish I'd consider if that was my tank. Good luck.

+1 here. Any of the tangs listed should do fine for a while.

j0hn rambo

Thanks for the quick replies. Now my problem is going to be choosing one of the fish suggested above. The clown tangs are very cool.. and I have always wanted to have a Hippo Tang. I also like the majestic angel but my problem with that choice is I really want an Emperor but would like to house him in a larger home and don't want the two fighting if I were to get the majestic and then the emperor later.
I hope to get a larger aquarium in the next 2 to 3 years.
Last question (for now) would it be possible to add one of the tangs mentioned above and then get an Emperor down the road once I have my bigger aquarium? From what I understand angels usually keep to themselves.
Thanks a lot
The lion is actually a fish I have considered many times as the 3rd addition. I am way to worried about my Puffer (who was the only fish in the aquarium for 2 years) aimlessly swimming into the lion and getting stung. I know this would likely never happen but I would feel bad if I saw my puffer laying on the bottom in shock from a sting!