Could use an ID


Hey all, could use an ID on something my husband picked up while diving off the coast of CA near Catalina. I know, bad husband, but it's been out of the ocean for 8 months now, so I suppose it's staying. Anyway this rock has little polyps all over it, kinda a calcerous tube like structure but with the head of an anemone. The inside of the tube is orange and the tentacles are clear. Doesn't resemble Aiptasia at all. Any clues??


Active Member
Sounds like you are describing a Ball anemone colony. That would be best guess if from CA coast.
I actually like them but many conaider them pests to destroy on sight.


Active Member
Well, being that you said your husband got it in CA, that it has a calcareous shell with white tips, with the mouth of an anemone....I would have to say that it is in fact a TURRET CORAL. Scientific name: Dendrophyllia Californica / also known as a CALIFORNIA CUP CORAL....damn i am good


Active Member
Doesnt look like dendro to me
This is mine

But I dunno. Maybe its a diff species. The tube looks differnt than any dendro Ive seen.
Maybe its something simple like coco worms or tube anemones I dunno