couldn't resist the sale...will i be ok?

30-xtra high

Active Member
it kind of looks like the scooter, but i'm 100% sure it's not a scooter blenny, and i'd put on a pic, but i have absolutly no idea how to, maybe if you walk me through step my step, i could do it.

30-xtra high

Active Member
guys i need your help, my LFS has a 3 day gaurentee for livestock, so i'm takin back my dead maroon, but they'll only let you trade, what should i trade for?, they have a cinamon, and 2 tomatoe's a big and small one., and i still need the step by step for posting pics


Active Member
somebody correct me if im wrong, but i thought that tomatos couldnt be kept in pairs, either singly or in groups. your lfs will probably let you wait a while before having to buy a new fish, use the time to let the tank settle and do a little research. as for posting pics, i think theres something in the archives or under the photography forum that tells you how to do it.

30-xtra high

Active Member
actually, they have like... a 2 day return policy if the fish dies, so i had to take my dead maroon in, and they gave me a cinnamon, they said take the cinamon, or nothin, so the cinamon aclimated, and he's doin great... he's eaten about 10 tetra marine granule pellets so far, and i plan on feeding the tank some garlic coated mysis tonight., and they also told me that tomatoes get mean as hell.