Couple more questions...


First. Something is digging in the live rock. Well, doing something anyway. There was a pile of dust,(dirt, debris, something) on the rock that wasn't there this morning. Any ideas as to who is doing this? I cleaned it off (have ot get turkey baster tomorrow) and under it was what looked like green bubbles. Good or bad?? If bad, what is the best way to get rid of it? And last, picture a white tree in winter with no leaves. I have a couple of these on some rock. They are very small and don't appear to move at all. Any ideas as to what they are?
Thanks for any and all replys!!
Sharon :)


what you are now experiencing is the reason I want to go to a reef. Something new each day
I have no idea what the green bubbles are, but the small tree things are probably coral, maybe,
some one else w/alot more knowledge will probably add more info then we will both learn something!


Active Member
First time I've seen you on the board, so welcome. I'm a little unsure on the bubbles, could you try to describe them a little better, but it may be bubble algae, but I think that has a more purplish-red color. As for the dust it could be any number of inverts. Try keeping the lights by the tank, living room lights, bedroom lights, etc, and carefully sneak up to your tank, and look around on the LR for whatever might be the culprit. If you see anything, post its description and someone might be able to identify it. Sorry about the tree thing though, only thing I can think of is a gorgonian or possiblly a sea fan. HTH

obx fish

I have something hibernating in my live rock that has been digging and actually pushing out "dust clouds" of sand. I was at my LFS this evening and he said that it could be a mantis shrimp. He said that they burrow in the LR. They are BAD NEWS! I'm not saying that's what it is, but just be on the look out. They come out at night...just keep an eye out and Good Luck!


The green bubbles sounds like your talking about bubble algae. If that is what it is you can either get an emerald crab, or pick it out by hand. It can grow very large, and become a nuisance. Of course you always take a chance with crabs, as they can damage good things in the tank.
The thing diggin in the rock could possibly be a worm of some sort. I have several in my rock and so far they have not harmed anything.
Not sure about the trees. Maybe a little better description would help.


Well, whatever is digging, I haven't seen it yet. I check after all lights are out, and all I have seen is a pink bristle worm, about 1 in. long. And of course, lots of little crawly things. But haven't seen or heard anything larger.
As for the tree looking things, that is the best description I can give. They look like little leafless trees and are white. Thanks for the help guys. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a mantis shrimp. Hope I don't have one of those!!


As for the trees, my 1st guess would be aptasia, a type of anenome the can be a nusiance, and spread very rapidly. Have they multiplied as of yet? If they start to multiply fairly quickly, that is most likely what you've got. How big are these trees? Do they respond by either pulling back, or sticking when touched? Try touching them with your net or something and let us know how they respond.
As for the green bubbles, more that likely bubble algae. This can become extremely annoying like apstasia. As mentioned before, emerald crabs will eat it. It is recommended that you do not break the bubbles, this only helps it spread.
As for the "pile of dust,(dirt, debris, something)" it could be from most any critter digging in the rock. Have you ever noticed what looks like a fine filament, or fishing line above the area where the dust is?


OK. I'll leave the bubble algae alone for now. There is only a very little of it.
I really think whatever was doing the digging is probably a bristle worm. That is the only thing I can think of. But I'll keep my eyes open.
As for the "trees", they have not spread or grown very much. And they don't move or do anything when I touch them. So, for now, I will assume that they are harmless. Will keep an eye on them however. Thanks for all the replys.
Sharon :D